analogdevicesinc / doctools

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Add Math LaTeX to PDF output (rst2pdf, WeasyPrint) #21

Open gastmaier opened 1 month ago

gastmaier commented 1 month ago

rst2pdf uses matplotlib optionally to do that, replicate with weasyprint[1]? Or figure out styling in rst2pdf?

[1] But it does seems matplotlib just calls latex

gastmaier commented 2 days ago

Matplot lib contains a lightweight subset that should be good enough:

gastmaier commented 1 day ago

Partialy solved with a007904e50fe9df72cbe067143fce4eea68f942d Approach can be extended for WaveDrom + whatever other JavaScript backed renderer. I'm growing in favor to not embedding third-party JavaScript renders in the doc, since:

Note: wavedrom seems to have a Python port: