analogdevicesinc / gr-iio

IIO blocks for GNU Radio
GNU General Public License v3.0
95 stars 62 forks source link

Latest tag (pybombs recipe) does not work with PLUTO #5

Closed jacobagilbert closed 6 years ago

jacobagilbert commented 7 years ago

Not so much an issue as a recommendation: The latest gr-iio tag, v0.2, is specified in your gr-iio PyBombs recipe and does not include the ADALM-PLUTO specific blocks and anyone using PyBOMBS will not have access to the PLUTO blocks. I wanted to recommend you either retarget the PyBOMBS recipe at master or make a new tag to make it easier for GR/PyBOMBS usesrs to get up and running.

tfcollins commented 7 years ago

There is an issue or two remaining before the next release. Hopefully we can get this done soon thanks.

The fmcomms2 blocks can still be used with Pluto though :)

tfcollins commented 6 years ago

PR has been opened to fix this:

tfcollins commented 6 years ago

PR has been merged