analogdevicesinc / libiio

A cross platform library for interfacing with local and remote Linux IIO devices
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
471 stars 309 forks source link


Closed SRaus closed 3 months ago

SRaus commented 3 months ago

Persons specified in CODEOWNERS file will be automatically added as reviewers, whenever new PRs are opened, depending on affected folder. In addition to Code Owners, other reviewers can be added to each PR. CODEOWNERS file can be different from one branch to another. All new PRs will require the approval of at least one code owner. will populate all new PR description field. Beside PR description, it contains a list of checkboxes, ensuring everyone follows the same guidelines and enforces best practices. Pull Request Template applies for PRs against all protected branches.

Both files got added in .github

SRaus commented 3 months ago

v2: remove the line about "coding standards and guidelines" and delete some extra spaces.