analogjs / analog

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The ability to handle routes like :category/:topic without having to prefix with a parent path #359

Closed fireflysemantics closed 1 year ago

fireflysemantics commented 1 year ago

Which scope/s are relevant/related to the feature request?



Currently all dynamic routes in AnalogJS have to be in a parent folder or prefixed with a parent path.

Dynamic routes are defined by using the filename as the route path enclosed in square brackets. Dynamic routes must be placed inside a parent folder, or prefixed with a parent path and a period.

I have an app that defines a route like this:

    path: ':category/:topic',
    component: TopicComponent,
    data: ROUTE_DATA,
    resolve: { topic: topicResolver },
    canActivate: [topicGuard]

And it renders URLs like this:

And these routes are currently being statically rendered by Scully.

If I switch to AnalogJS, I'd have to create a component for each category even though they can all be handled by the same component:

Describe any alternatives/workarounds you're currently using

Currently using Scully.

I would be willing to submit a PR to fix this issue

brandonroberts commented 1 year ago

Similar to

You can define route paths as src/app/pages/[category].[topic].page.ts for the equivalent route.

fireflysemantics commented 1 year ago

Hi Brandon,

I also thought this would work:

You can define route paths as src/app/pages/[category].[topic].page.ts for the equivalent route.

So I tried it with this application:

And if I enter the URL:


It renders the right page. However if I try to match this route:


With a URL like:


It reroutes to the error page. Thoughts?