analogueorm / analogue

Analogue ORM : Data Mapper ORM for Laravel/PHP
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Automatically eager load not working #270

Open defektrain opened 6 years ago

defektrain commented 6 years ago

Hello, just trying to use eager load: Mapper:

class RoleMap extends EntityMap
    public $timestamps = true;
    protected $with = ['roleStrings'];

    public function roleStrings(Role $role)
        return $this->hasMany($role, RoleString::class);

If I trying this:

return mapper(Role::class)->find($id);

Relations not loading automatically.

But if I trying this:

return mapper(Role::class)->with(['roleStrings'])->find($id);


return mapper(Role::class, RoleMap::class)->find($id);

All relations was loaded well.

So I'm just want to know there a bug or I doing something wrong?

RemiCollin commented 6 years ago

I made a refactoring of the hydration process but auto eager loading seems to work fine in my test. Can you show me what the dump of return mapper(Role::class)->find($id); contains ?