analogwp / analogwp-templates

Style Kits for Elementor adds a number of intuitive styling controls in the Elementor editor that allow you to apply styles globally or per page.
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Conflict with Crocoblocks JetEngine #413

Closed zanga7 closed 4 years ago

zanga7 commented 4 years ago

I cannot edit Elementor pages within 'Listings' within JetEngine. Spinning circle. Does not effect editing of other pages.

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Hello @zanga7,

Thanks for reaching us. which version of style kit you are using?

zanga7 commented 4 years ago

Free 1.7.1

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the input. Could you please share the screenshot of the page which causes the issue? Additionally also please share the JS console log.

zanga7 commented 4 years ago
Screenshot at Sep 01 23-32-42 Screenshot at Sep 01 23-32-09
gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Could you please share the JS console log.

zanga7 commented 4 years ago


she-header.js:42 -1 ang-action.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addTab' of undefined at Editor. (ang-action.min.js:1) at p (backbone.min.js:2) at f (backbone.min.js:2) at l (backbone.min.js:2) at Editor.n.trigger (backbone.min.js:2) at Editor.onPreviewLoaded (editor.min.js:2) at Editor.onPreviewLoaded (editor.min.js:2) at HTMLIFrameElement.dispatch (load-scripts.php:3) at HTMLIFrameElement.r.handle (load-scripts.php:3) DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago


gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Could you please share the file path of she-header.js or if you know from which plugin it's loading please share that plugin name or link.

zanga7 commented 4 years ago

Seems to be 'Sticky Header Effects for Elementor'

zanga7 commented 4 years ago

If I deactivate that plugin... i still get the error without that line.

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE ang-action.min.js?ver=1598923964:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addTab' of undefined at Editor. (ang-action.min.js?ver=1598923964:1) at p (backbone.min.js?ver=1.4.0:2) at f (backbone.min.js?ver=1.4.0:2) at l (backbone.min.js?ver=1.4.0:2) at Editor.n.trigger (backbone.min.js?ver=1.4.0:2) at Editor.onPreviewLoaded (editor.min.js?ver=3.0.5:2) at Editor.onPreviewLoaded (editor.min.js?ver=3.0.5:2) at HTMLIFrameElement.dispatch (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery&ver=5.5:3) at HTMLIFrameElement.r.handle (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery&ver=5.5:3)

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Could you please add us as admin in your site and share the credential detail (not here) by submitting: so that we can inspect and find the issue.

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Hi @zanga7,

Could you please check your site and share your thoughts regarding still you are facing the issue or not.

zanga7 commented 4 years ago

Yes, still facing the issue. If you see 'JetEngine' and go to edit page under 'Listings' this is where I am getting the spinning wheel.

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

It's a bug.

The plugin JetEngine ( is from a closed source vendor so we will contact them to get a plugin.

Here sharing the insight that we found is, the page test generated using JetEngine is not a default page it's a Custom Post Type (CPT) page when we editing this CPT page only throws the JS error.

If we edit any default page of post type page the JS error is not throwing in the console. Therefore we found the root cause we will fix it.

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Tried with sample custom post type to check is the error reproduced but it's not. The next step will be we will contact JetEngine team. cpt_el_editor cpt_admin_page

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Hi @zanga7,

We raised a ticket (ID: 16972) in crocoblock support forum.

Authenticated link:

zanga7 commented 4 years ago

The issue is not in custom post type... its in the 'Listings' in JetEngine. You're welcome to poke about the site I gave you access to.

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

The admin page shown in the Listings menu is a custom post type. The CPT name is jet-engine for details please see the highlight in the attached image Screenshot from 2020-09-02 14-23-38

We wrote a script in theme functions.php (revoke to original once we checked) to check the rendering page's post type that also denotes jet-engine Screenshot from 2020-09-02 14-16-53

Here is the snippet we used to detect the post type in the front end:

    function() {

        $post_id   = get_queried_object_id();
        $post_type = get_post_type( $post_id );

        if ( 133 === $post_id ) {
            var_dump( $post_type );
gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Hi @zanga7,

We got the reply to the ticket:

Crocoblock reply:

Unfortunately we cannot provide JetEngine plugin for free. But you may test our plugin directly from customer's WordPress panel.

Our reply:

Understood due to company policy we won't get the plugin JetEngine for free.

Could you please provide us test environment to do further proceedings. As there we will do debugging we worried not to show any debugging data to end-users therefore please provide a clone of the issue causing server.

JohnPixle commented 4 years ago

@gvgvgvijayan I already have a license with Jet Engine plugin for debugging purposes, it is in our testing site, I just activated it. Ping me if you need any help :)

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

@JohnPixle Thanks.

@zanga7 we will check in our environment. If we need any information we will let you know.

@gvgvgvijayan I already have a license with Jet Engine plugin for debugging purposes, it is in our testing site, I just activated it. Ping me if you need any help :)

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Hi @zanga7,

Progress status:

We suspect that the reason for the issue is two menus Site Settings & Theme Builder was removed when visiting the CPT jet-engine pages.

Our plugin Style Kit relies on the Site Settings panel of Elementor editor but it's removed in the CPT jet-engine pages. As a result of that, the error is thrown.

Please find the difference by comparing these two images:

jet-engine post type editor panel: (This is took after Style Kits plugin deactivated) jet_enging_custom_post_type

Other post type editor panel: other_custom_post_type

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Hi @zanga7,

Crocoblock requested to share the credential of the site. Could you please provide one more temporary credential for Crocoblock through

Here is the last conversation that happened between us and Crocoblock: Crocoblock reply: Take our apologies for a long delay!

In order for us to investigate this particular case we need access to your WordPress admin panel. Could you please provide us with the login credentials and its url. Thank you.

Our reply: You can reproduce the same in any environment. The thing required is both JetEngine plugin and need to be installed.

Once both plugins activated, go to JetEngine->listings page.

Edit anyone posts of "Listing Items" by clicking the action link "Edit with Elementor".

In Elementor editor page the side panel loading icon is showing persistently, if you inspect using a web developer tool you will get this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addTab' of undefined at Editor. (ang-action.min.js?ver=1599460124:1) at p (backbone.min.js?ver=1.4.0:2) at f (backbone.min.js?ver=1.4.0:2) at l (backbone.min.js?ver=1.4.0:2) at Editor.n.trigger (backbone.min.js?ver=1.4.0:2) at Editor.onPreviewLoaded (editor.min.js?ver=3.0.5:2) at Editor.onPreviewLoaded (editor.min.js?ver=3.0.5:2) at HTMLIFrameElement.dispatch (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core&ver=5.5.1:3) at HTMLIFrameElement.r.handle (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core&ver=5.5.1:3)

The root cause of the error is the "Site Settings" control is missing which is by default come with the Elementor.

Apart from this, I will request the client to share a temporary credential for you in their server.

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago

Hi @zanga7,

Is it ok for you to provide a timely update that we get from the Crocoblock dev team or else we can provide a final update but we worried to provide you exactly when you will get as this conversation depends on the JetEnfine team too? Or even better without tagging you, we can add what are the conversations that happened between us (AnalogWP & JetEngine team) you can visit this issue to get the status also at any time you can tag me if you need any clarification/reply.

Crocoblock reply: We have checked from our end and as you can see from the screenshot the issue is with Analog Templates plugin Unfortunately we do not provide support for third party plugins.

AnalogWP reply: Could you please share the version of Elementor and Style Kits for Elementor by visiting the plugins list page.

Crocoblock reply: The version of Elementor is 2.9.11 and Style Kit is 1.7.1

AnalogWP reply: Please update the Elementor to version 3.

The customer who facing the issue is with the following version in the environment Elementor - 3.0.5 Elementor Pro - 3.0.2 JetEngine - 2.4.11 Style Kits for Elementor - 1.7.1

zanga7 commented 4 years ago

@gvgvgvijayan Thanks for the updates. This fix is VERY important to us. I don't quite understand what's happening but trust you're working hard to find a solution.

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago


We understand your situation how strongly depend on both AnalogWP Style Kits and Crocoblock JetEngine plugins.

The issue is Elementor default menus Site Settings and Theme Builder are missing in CPT jet-engine pages as explained in the comment:

Therefore we conveyed these missing menus to Crocoblock and awaiting their response.

zanga7 commented 4 years ago

@gvgvgvijayan Any updates? I need to wrap up a project and this is blocking me. :-(

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago


We are waiting for the Crocoblock support team reply for 3 days. I'm daily requesting them to share the update but no reply from Crocoblock.

If it's urgent we will replicate the code changes which we committed in this issue in your server style kit plugin file too. (We did check whether the Global panel is available or not. Here are the changes we did:

Crocoblock needs to confirm why the default Elementor menu Site Settings was removed which is responsible for the Global panel in the JetEngine Listing pages. If you edit the Listing pages in the Elementor editor, the Site Settings menu removed therefore you can't use style kits in the Listing pages.

zanga7 commented 4 years ago

I've deactivated SK. When I go to add a 'Listing' it pops up with this... image I have to fill this out first... then everything seems to start working. Activate stylekits and everything breaks again.

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago


We will be providing you a built of style kits with a hotfix for this issue shortly.

gvgvgvijayan commented 4 years ago


Please find the build:

This build has PR 414 code changes this will fix the issue JS error throwing in Listing items Elementor editor page.