anametologin / krohnkite

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Window frame color settings #15

Open gerazov opened 1 month ago

gerazov commented 1 month ago

Thanks for this port to Plasma 6 :sunglasses:

I can't get the window frame color to work for the active window vs the inactive window. Has the KDE API changed for this? In the README it still gives the same setup instructions as before:

    frame=61,174,233: set the border color of active window to RGB(61,174,233)
    inactiveFrame=239,240,241: set the border color of inactive window to RGB(239,240,241)

It was working for me on Plasma 5. I also tried setting the border size to normal in the rule for all windows but it doesn't work.


anametologin commented 1 month ago

The part of readme has legacy data. Are you using kwriteconfig5 or kwriteconfig6 command? I'm personally never used this way to change the frame. I use Kde Settings->Colors and Themes->Window Decorations.

gerazov commented 1 month ago

Both of them write to the same file, at least in that command. There is some thread about a bug on this issue - but I've used it successfully with dark themes (

Is there a way to set the frame (border) color of the active window through Settings? The most I can do in Window Decorations is change the shadow color. (I have the rule that deletes the title bar for all windows)

flytaly commented 1 month ago

I personally use Window Decoration from klassy, and it works perfectly for me.

anametologin commented 1 month ago

Is there a way to set the frame (border) color of the active window through Settings?

Oxygen decoration ...? 1.webm

gerazov commented 1 month ago

Cool! I'll check it out, meanwhile here's my KDE5 setup with the frame coloring and no side borders of windows.


Jas-SinghFSU commented 4 weeks ago

You can also use KDE-Rounded-Corners to color your borders and to change the border radius. It can add borders to active and inactive windows and it's pretty much the easiest way to change border colors currently.

JadedMagician commented 4 weeks ago

Someone has also ported the Bismuth window decoration to Kwin 6:

gerazov commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for all the recommendations - at the end I'm using Oxygen as @anametologin suggested with Inner Color only and no shadow. The others were a bit too involved as they couldn't be installed from the Settings window.


It's a bit too glowy (throwback to the KDE 4 spaceship days :sweat_smile: ) but it does the trick :+1:


It would be nice to ask the devs at KDE what is the new setting name for the frame color - I couldn't find a way to raise an issue or join a discussion forum.

SamuXzX commented 6 days ago

Did you try to open a thread on → Development? We could also ask on Matrix: there's a room for Kwin in KDE's space.