anand-harsh / Edumi

Edumi, Place to learn and grow skills with proper maintenance
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Contribution to JWOC 2024 #31

Open anand-harsh opened 5 months ago

anand-harsh commented 5 months ago

Welcome to Edumi Open Source Project

Thank you for considering contributing to Edumi! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our educational platform.

How to Contribute

You can contribute to Edumi in several ways:

  1. Working on Existing Issues:

    • Check out our issues page to find tasks that need attention.
    • Comment on the issue you would like to work on to avoid duplication of efforts.
    • Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
  2. Requesting Features or Enhancements:

    • If you have ideas for new features or improvements, please open an issue with the details.
    • Discuss your ideas with the community and the maintainers to refine the proposal.
  3. Reporting Bugs:

    • If you find any bugs or issues, please open a detailed issue with information on how to reproduce it.
    • Be specific about your environment, steps to reproduce, and any error messages.

Contributing Guidelines

Before contributing, please read our Contributing Guidelines to understand the project's standards and processes.

Code Comments

We encourage contributors to add comments to the code they submit. Clear and concise comments help everyone understand the purpose and functionality of the code.

Getting Started

To get started with Edumi development, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Create a new branch for your changes: git checkout -b feature-name.
  4. Make your changes and add comments to the code.
  5. Commit your changes: git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message".
  6. Push the changes to your fork: git push origin feature-name.
  7. Create a pull request on the main repository.

Thank you for contributing to Edumi! We look forward to working with you. ✨✨

Happy coding!

anand-harsh commented 5 months ago

Update on Contributing points

1) One user can work on only one issue at a time. 2) User can open new issue only after successful merging of previous issue. 3) Issue will be marked as Easy, Medium , Hard

Days to complete a issue

Easy : 1 day Medium : 2-3 day Hard : 4 days

Points for Issue marking (Phase 1 )

Easy : 1 points Medium: 3 points Hard : 5 points

You can Contribute to " not-assigned " issues after assigning.

anand-harsh commented 5 months ago

Backend Contributions

1) Get specific course using id, having multiple lectures in a Course. Issue: #40

2) Add Lectures to specific course Issue: #41

3) Make authorisation middleware for admin role Issue: #42

4) Delete a specific lecture from the course Issue: #43

5) Get all users (Admin Controller) Issue: #44

6) Update user roles for any user (Admin Controller) Issue: #45

7) Delete any user (Admin Controller) Issue: #46

8) Delete personal profile / account Issue: #48

9) Add specific Course to personal playlist


10) Add lecture id with lectures while adding to the course


anand-harsh commented 4 months ago

Update on Contributing points

1) One user can work on only one issue at a time. 2) User can open new issue only after successful merging of previous issue. 3) Issue will be marked as Easy, Medium , Hard

Days to complete a issue

Easy : 1 day Medium : 2-3 day Hard : 4 days

Points for Issue marking (Phase 2 )

Easy : 2 points Medium: 4 points Hard : 8 points

You can Contribute to " not-assigned " issues after assigning.