anand0xff / ImPlaneIA

Tools for fitting (image plane fringes), calibrating, and analyzing NRM data across multiple instruments and modes
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Update #22

Open robelgeda opened 3 years ago

robelgeda commented 3 years ago

I found an error while running AMI notebooks:


    0 jw01093001001_01101_00005_nis_calints F480M ABDOR ABDOR
InstrumentData.NIRISS: use bad pixel DQ extension data False
InstrumentData.NIRISS: analysing firstfew=5 slices
InstrumentData.NIRISS:  *** WARNING *** InstrumentData: Top Hat filter being used
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/b7/t7k94wx54xb6pckfcg1jxv5r0001_3/T/ipykernel_45583/ in <module>
     24     usebp=False
---> 26     main(fitsimdir=datasuperdir,
     27          ifn=fnmir,
     28          oversample=OVERSAMPLE,

/var/folders/b7/t7k94wx54xb6pckfcg1jxv5r0001_3/T/ipykernel_45583/ in main(fitsimdir, ifn, oversample, mnem, firstfew, verbose, usebp)
     92         print("main: fitsimdir", fitsimdir)
---> 94     aff, psf_offset_r, psf_offset_ff, fringepistons = raw_observables(ifn, fitsimdir,
     95                                                                       oversample=oversample,
     96                                                                       mnem=mnem,

/var/folders/b7/t7k94wx54xb6pckfcg1jxv5r0001_3/T/ipykernel_45583/ in raw_observables(fitsfn, fitsimdir, affine2d, psf_offset_find_rotation, psf_offset_ff, rotsearch_d, set_pistons, oversample, mnem, firstfew, usebp, verbose)
     55     print(firstfew)
---> 56     niriss = InstrumentData.NIRISS(fobj[0].header['FILTER'],
     57                                    usebp=usebp,
     58                                    #bpexist=False,

~/miniconda3/envs/niriss_ami/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nrm_analysis/ in __init__(self, filt, objname, src, out_dir, chooseholes, affine2d, bandpass, nbadpix, usebp, firstfew, **kwargs)
    438         # Weighted mean wavelength in meters, etc, etc "central wavelength" for the filter:
    439         from scipy.integrate import simps
--> 440         self.lam_c[self.filt] = (self.throughput[:,1] * self.throughput[:,0]).sum() / self.throughput[:,0].sum()
    441         area = simps(self.throughput[:,0], self.throughput[:,1])
    442         ew = area / self.throughput[:,0].max() # equivalent width

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not tuple
vandalt commented 2 years ago

Hello, I also had this error, but only when WEBBPSF_PATH is not set. Setting WEBBPSF_PATH works fine, but this PR fixes the error for cases where WEBBPSF_PATH is not set. Thank you :) !