ananjaser1211 / FloydQ_Reports

BUG Reporting for Exynos8890 OneUI 2.0 Project
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[BUG] #232

Closed traneson closed 3 years ago

traneson commented 3 years ago

I'm facing a problem Wi fi speed is too low I have a 30 mb connection But it's only 4 mb on and in downloading

SkyrilHD commented 3 years ago

Could you gather log? The issue is invalid without it.

traneson commented 3 years ago

It works fine now .. but the rom is laggy . I didn't do a factory reset after installing it. Should I? I hope not cause I installed everything

SkyrilHD commented 3 years ago

Depends on when you installed the ROM. If you installed the ROM recently, wait a few hours for all of the caches to be created.

traneson commented 3 years ago

Okay I'll wait .. is there an option to zoom out display more. It's on the smallest but still big

SkyrilHD commented 3 years ago

You could change the dpi in developer options

SypeR54 commented 3 years ago

@traneson You should do factory wipe "before" flashing the ROM. If you flashing the rom and "after" doing wipe also same affect like "dirty" flashing.

Be make sure you done the wipe before the flash process.

SypeR54 commented 3 years ago

@traneson If stock smallest dp setting doesnt satisfied you, go to "Settings > Dev Settings" and find "Minimum screen wide" and put something higher value. For example: 500dp.

Note: DP and DPI values are different things. They are NOT the same. DP value is based on "Distance", DPI is based on "Density".