anantshri / premotedroid

Github fork of premotedroid to work on issues pending in google code as developer is non responsive.
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seperate 32bit and 64bit server built with necessary package included #2

Closed anantshri closed 10 years ago

anantshri commented 10 years ago

32bit and 64bit should have seperate packages based on the dependency required.

Tsaukpaetra commented 10 years ago

I'm not entirely sure if this is necessary, since the server is in Java, Java handles x86 vs x64 processing internally. Since we're not using any external native libraries this should be a non issue.

anantshri commented 10 years ago

The issue is with the bluecove library it has different versions 32bit and 64bit. I think we should plan to package all the dependency as a single package. Although we don't need to change anything on code here but it will just be the package available for download should have proper dependencies included in jar format.

Tsaukpaetra commented 10 years ago

Right. I'll have to test in 64 bit mode then. Perhaps tomorrow. :)

anantshri commented 10 years ago

this should not be a show stopper we can always point them to download proper binaries. however having packages would help us in our own process. something i would target before we start deployning play store versions.

Tsaukpaetra commented 10 years ago

I booted into Windows 7 64 bit, works just fine out of the box. Java can be pretty smart sometimes! ;)

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Anant Shrivastava <> wrote:

this should not be a show stopper we can always point them to download proper binaries. however having packages would help us in our own process. something i would target before we start deployning play store versions.

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anantshri commented 10 years ago

Did you tried connecting bluetooth. Its just with bluetooth the default ones don't allow you to connect with bluetooth.

anantshri commented 10 years ago

reference : and

Tsaukpaetra commented 10 years ago

yep, nothing out of the norm. although Bluetooth is a bit slower when screen capture is on. I didn't have to have any special drivers or anything, but I'll test with a few more machines to be certain.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Anant Shrivastava <> wrote:

reference :

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Tsaukpaetra commented 10 years ago

Wait, it seems like my java is running in 32 bit mode, not 64 bit. (Java.exe is located in "\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin" :/

Tsaukpaetra commented 10 years ago

Alright, I found the latest builds of the bluecove library. Seems development stopped on these after 2010, but the libraries work in both 64bit and 32bit mode. Found a new bug though that the registry path the server uses for the settings does not exist properly when running in 64 bit mode. Error is as follows: WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0 x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5.

Unfortunately, this does not generate a stack trace, so I will have to drill down and figure out where these preferences are coming from. ;)

Tsaukpaetra commented 10 years ago

So I found out that the error is specific to java itself (whew). I think it's safe to say we're good to go as far as 32bit/64bit server versions.

anantshri commented 10 years ago

cool good to hear that.