anasakil / artisan

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Direct Payment to Sellers Upon Product Purchase #13

Open anasakil opened 3 months ago

anasakil commented 3 months ago

To enhance the marketplace ecosystem and ensure sellers receive their payments directly and promptly, we aim to implement a system where, upon a user's purchase of a product, the payment is processed and transferred directly to the seller's linked payment account. This feature requires integrating with our payment gateway to facilitate direct transfers based on each transaction.


  1. Seller Payment Account Setup:

    • Update the User model to include fields for storing seller payment account details securely.
    • Provide functionality within the seller dashboard for users to add or update their payment account information.
  2. Modify Payment Processing Logic:

    • Adjust the current payment processing flow to initiate a direct payment to the seller's account upon purchase completion. This may involve creating a new transaction with the payment gateway for each seller involved in an order.
    • Ensure that the application calculates and deducts any platform fees before transferring the net amount to the seller.
  3. Implement Transaction Records:

    • Create a model and API for tracking payment transactions to sellers, including the amount, date, and status of each payment.
    • Provide sellers access to their transaction history for accounting and reconciliation purposes.
  4. Error Handling and Reconciliation:

    • Implement robust error handling around payment transfers to manage failed transactions effectively.
    • Develop a mechanism for retrying failed payments and flagging any unresolved transactions for manual intervention.
  5. Compliance and Security:

    • Ensure that the feature complies with all relevant financial regulations, including KYC (Know Your Customer) where applicable.
    • Securely handle and store sensitive financial information in accordance with PCI DSS and other relevant security standards.
  6. Testing and Deployment:

    • Thoroughly test the new payment flow, including success, failure, and edge cases, in a controlled environment.
    • Plan for a phased rollout of the feature to monitor its impact and catch any unforeseen issues early.

Acceptance Criteria:
