anastasia-tkach / hmodel-cpp-public

Sphere Meshes for Real-Time Hand Modeling and Tracking
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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win7+vs2013+GTX970+CUDA8.0 build error #3

Open PengfeiRen96 opened 7 years ago

PengfeiRen96 commented 7 years ago

1.error D8016: 锟斤拷/RTC1锟斤拷锟酵★拷/O2锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷选锟筋不锟斤拷锟斤拷 2.error C2338: OUT_OF_RANGE_ACCESS 3.error C1083: “OpenGP/GL/EigenOpenGLSupport3.h”

PengfeiRen96 commented 7 years ago

1.when i built app/helloworld_thrust and cudax:
nvcc fatal : redefinition of argument 'optimize' 2.when i built app/helloworld_openni error C2338: OUT_OF_RANGE_ACCESS c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0\vc\include\eigen\src\Core\DenseCoeffsBase.h 3.when i built app/helloworld_cudagl can't find header "tracker/OffscreenRender/CustomFrameBuffer.h"
then i find "CustomFrameBuffer.h" in "tracker/OpenGL/CustomFrameBuffer.h". however,there are some errors like : CustomFrameBuffer fb; fb.init(width, width); GLuint texture_id = fb.extra_tex_id(); and the definition of the init() function in CustomFrameBuffer.cpp like this: void init(int image_width, int image_height, bool render_block_id);

anastasia-tkach commented 7 years ago

The errors that you get when building the 3rd party libraries are not related to the implementation of hmodel-cpp project. To resolve these issues you should contact the authors of the corresponding 3rd party libraries.

PengfeiRen96 commented 7 years ago

thanks.however,why<OpenGP/GL/EigenOpenGLSupport3.h> can't be found

hrwhisper commented 7 years ago

Can you upload the 3rd party libiaries when you building the hmodel project? the OpenGP/GL/EigenOpenGLSupport3.h has been remove. see

taiya commented 7 years ago

important note: you don't need to build the helloworld apps to build hmodel They were supported for htrack, but I cannot confirm for hmodel

PengfeiRen96 commented 7 years ago

however,i also meet the error OUT_OF_RANGE_ACCESS when i built the hmodel

taiya commented 7 years ago

I am afraid in that case anastasia would need to know what line caused the assertion to be able to help you out!

PengfeiRen96 commented 7 years ago

the error come from "Eigen\src\Core\DenseCoeffsBase.h" EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType z() const { EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(Derived::SizeAtCompileTime==-1 || Derived::SizeAtCompileTime>=3, OUT_OF_RANGE_ACCESS); return (*this)[2]; } but i can't fix a position on the hmodel projection

taiya commented 7 years ago

I can tell you the error is telling you are trying to get a .z() out of a Vector2, but where that comes from is something you have to find out on your own (by asking on the Eigen forums or stackoverflow?)

PengfeiRen96 commented 7 years ago

thanks,i am trying to find the line caused the assertion

TuringKi commented 7 years ago

error C2338: OUT_OF_RANGE_ACCESS can be solved by using a lower version of Eigen.!

Yangmt123 commented 6 years ago

@RenFeiTemp How did you solve error D8016:锟斤拷/RTC1锟斤拷锟酵★拷/O2锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷选锟筋不锟斤拷锟斤拷 ?

JiangLinjunbupt commented 6 years ago

@Yangmt123 did you meet the problem : error C2338: OUT_OF_RANGE_ACCESS c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0\vc\include\eigen\src\Core\DenseCoeffsBase.h?

how did you solve this problem?

Yangmt123 commented 6 years ago

@JiangLinjunbupt The reason is the lack of the header file DenseCoeffsBase.h