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Add log with timestamp option (#63) #67

Closed Focshole closed 1 year ago

Focshole commented 1 year ago

Added option to have timestamp in logs, fixes #63 and partially #56

HarHarLinks commented 1 year ago

Well done overall, just a small mishap: This PR contains commits intended for both #63 und #64. If you look at the history in a tree structure ( or git log --graph --oneline --all), it becomes obvious what happened: image

Your fix-63 branch has the fix-64 branch as its ancestor and hence inherits its commit. What likely happened (and I should have pointed this out before) is you created the fix-64 branch and immediately continued to creating the fix-63 branch. This is one of the purposes of the git checkout master command I gave. When you create a new branch, it will use the currently checked out branch as starting point. Since you didn't go back to master, the fix-64 branch is your starting point. To fix it you could delete the branch and retry or learn some more 😉:

  1. git checkout fix-63 to say "i want to work on this branch"
  2. git reset --hard master to reset the fix-63 branch to the state of master. this will "delete" the 2 commits and any pending changes. you are now at the same state as if you had just done git checkout master && git checkout -b fix-63.
  3. cherry pick or edit whatever #63 needs
  4. add and commit
  5. git push: git will see that you pushed previously to this branch on github and refuse to do it as it is not in sync with your local work. git push --force to overwrite the current state on github with your local state.

If you want to learn about git basics, I can really recommend you try out It's great strength is that is visualizes what is going on when you use these abstract git commands really well.

Focshole commented 1 year ago

I do always end up with terrible unexpected issues when i mess up with git history, I had heard about , never got the time and energy to try it out in my free time. Thank you!

HarHarLinks commented 1 year ago

This looks great, I hope it can be merged soon. Thank you for your work!

Focshole commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the help with git! I have cleaned also the fix-7 branch now :)

anatol commented 1 year ago

Thank you folks for your work!