anatol / pacoloco

Caching proxy server for Arch Linux pacman
MIT License
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pacoloco.yaml confusing #82

Closed Cody-Learner closed 1 year ago

Cody-Learner commented 1 year ago

This is overall nice program that works well for me. Thank you for providing it.

However, I'd like to add that I found the configuration confusing even after reading the documentation:

Under the 'repos:' section, how would I add my local AUR repo, as both a URL and file?

Under the 'archlinux-reflector:' section, I was somewhat confused because I use the reflector package and initially thought it was related to setting it up. Possibly using a term other than reflector here would be better?

Seems if I point a web browser to the pacoloco URL,, it shows the extra packages. Then if point a browser to the pacoloco URL,, it shows the extra packages rather than core. If I delete the x86_64 html file from the pacoloco cache, the x86_64 html file will be regenerated for which ever repo is searched in a browser the first time, then seems to not be updated?

Could this be caused by something incorrectly set in my pacoloco.yaml configuration? The issue with the web browser is not a big deal because it seems to have no effect on pacoloco, but I did find it confusing while trying to set it up.

It would seem providing a bare minimal working config for a default configured Arch install (ie: core and extra repos enabled) would make things a bit less confusing, along with a man page for all the config file settings/options.

anatol commented 1 year ago

There was a similar request to make the default config simple.