anatol / pacoloco

Caching proxy server for Arch Linux pacman
MIT License
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Feature Request: paccache style purge options #93

Open fhteagle opened 10 months ago

fhteagle commented 10 months ago

Recent convert to pacoloco here.

I have one pacoloco docker container on my router/file server host that serves requests to half a dozen machines of various architectures on my LAN. I prefer to keep only the latest 2 copies of any given package for each arch. Of course I can run paccache -r -k2 via cron, systemd timer, etc. against each pacoloco per arch cache directory. But it would be more elegant if pacoloco handled this itself. Time-based purging or no purging is the only option currently, correct? How hard would it be to have pacoloco allow paccache style purge options on its own cache dirs instead?


anatol commented 10 months ago

There is indeed no way to perform paccache style purging right now. But it should be doable by adding such functionality into

It could be a great task for a first-time project contributor.