anatoliykmetyuk / free-acp

A rewriting-based process algebra engine
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Syntax improvements #29

Open AndreVanDelft opened 7 years ago

AndreVanDelft commented 7 years ago

This is a continuation of a mail discussion. The editing in Mac Mail is terrible, so I started this issue.

Shorthand notations can vastly improve readability. In SubScript there is script.., and similar constructs can be made for def, var, val, object, class and case class. For more macro power, with a kind of parameters, I propose that

The template may contain placeholders of 1 of the following forms (not both!):

It is possible to override these placeholder characters, quotation delimiters and cell separators, see later.


  case class #### [S[_]](####)(implicit val S: Suspended[S],
                                          val F:   Functor[S]) extends ####[S] {
    override def toString = s"####"

  Suspend  | t : () => S[Tree[S]] | Tree   | suspend      
  Call     | t : () => S[Tree[S]] | Tree   | call    
  Sequence | ts:    List[Tree[S]] | Tree   | [*](${ts.mkString(" * ")})                    
  Choice   | ts:    List[Tree[S]] | Tree   | [+](${ts.mkString(" + ")})                
  Success  |                      | Result | 1
  Failure  |                      | Result | 0
  Loop     |                      | Tree   | ...

  object #### {
    def apply[S[_]](ts: Tree[S]*)(implicit S: Suspended[S],
                                           F:   Functor[S]): ####[S] = ####[S](ts.toList)
  Sequence | Sequence | Sequence  
  Choice   | Choice   | Choice  

The latter table has some repetitions. Therefore we can add a first row that makes columns in next rows superfluous:

  object #### {
    def apply[S[_]](ts: Tree[S]*)(implicit S: Suspended[S],
                                           F:   Functor[S]): ####[S] = ####[S](ts.toList)
  #### | $1 | $1

There we see that only 1 #### placeholder remains, hence the last two rows have only one cell. The other placeholders are resolved,to the value of the first placeholder ($1). We could also do invoke macros here, e.g.,


or do a kind of string interpolation, e.g. for prefixing with an underscore:


Instead of ##### placeholders, we may also have named placeholders. These must be between quotation symbols, by default `. It is possible to override these, e.g., to <<...>>. In case of named placeholders, the instance table gets a header row with the placeholder names, and a separator row with dashes and plusses:


  case class `Name` [S[_]](`Params`)(implicit val S: Suspended[S],
                                              val F:   Functor[S]) extends `SuperC`[S] {
    override def toString = s"`Representation`"

  Name     | Params               | SuperC | Representation
  Suspend  | t : () => S[Tree[S]] | Tree   | suspend      
  Call     | t : () => S[Tree[S]] | Tree   | call    
  Sequence | ts:    List[Tree[S]] | Tree   | [*](${ts.mkString(" * ")})                    
  Choice   | ts:    List[Tree[S]] | Tree   | [+](${ts.mkString(" + ")})                
  Success  |                      | Result | 1
  Failure  |                      | Result | 0
  Loop     |                      | Tree   | ...


  object `Name` {
    def apply[S[_]](ts: Tree[S]*)(implicit S: Suspended[S],
                                           F:   Functor[S]): `Name`[S] = `Name`[S](ts.toList)


There should be a possibility to do some name manipulation between the placeholder quotes. In the latter object, we reused Name twice. Suppose we wanted to camelCase, or add an underscore, then something like the following would do:


Or maybe it should be different. Anyway, it must not be significantly longer.

AndreVanDelft commented 7 years ago

To override placeholder characters, quotation delimiters and cell separators, add a line with the new values, e.g.,

.. ### ` |

This says a an anonymous placeholder has at least 3 dashes. The quotation delimiters are yet again back ticks, and the cell separater is still a bar.


.. **** << >> ^

This says a an anonymous placeholder has at least 4 asterisks. The quotation delimiters are<< and >>, and the cell separater is ^.

The scope is all following text in the current brace level, or deeper, up to a next overriding.

AndreVanDelft commented 7 years ago

As a test, I rewrite method Tree.rewrite:

  def rewrite: PartialFunction[Tree[S], Tree[S]] = _ match {
    // Call
    case Call(t) => t()

    // Loop
    case Sequence(xs) if xs.contains(Loop()) =>
      def seq: Tree[S] = Sequence( xs.filter(_ != Loop()) :+ new Suspend(S.suspend { seq }) { override def toString = "loopContinuation" } )
    case Sequence(Sequence(x) :: y) if x.contains(Loop()) =>
      def frag1: List[Tree[S]] = x.filter(_ != Loop())
      def frag2: Tree[S] = Call { () => Sequence(frag1 :+ frag2) }
      Sequence(frag2 +: y)

    // Sequence
      case Sequence(`Params`) => `Result`

      Params           | Result
      Nil              | Success()
      Sequence(a) :: x | Sequence(a ++ x)
      Call(t)     :: x | Sequence(t() :: x)
      Success()   :: x | Sequence(x)
      Failure()   :: x | Failure()
      Choice(x)   :: y | Choice( { t => Sequence(t :: y) }) // seq-choice distributivity

    // Choice
      case Choice(`Params`) => `Result`

      Params         | Result
      Nil            | Failure()
      Choice(x) :: y | Choice(x ++ y)  // choice-associativity

      case Choice(x) if x.`Condition` => `Result`

      Condition                      | Result
      contains(Success())            | Success()
      contains(Failure())            | Choice(x.filter(_ != Failure()))
      exists(!resume.isDefinedAt(_)) | Choice( {
                                         case a if !resume.isDefinedAt(a) => rewrite.apply(a)
                                         case a => a

Should the cell separators also be given in the last rows of the last table?

anatoliykmetyuk commented 7 years ago

This looks really good.

This shifts the task from the language compilation to DRY representation of plain text. Arguably, this can even be called a human-readable text compression task. Maybe, some techniques from this field can even be applied to measure the effect and justify usage in programming languages.

I am not sure about the table syntax though: this is a sugar on top of the underlying placeholder processing engine and hence should be defined as such. A user should be able to create whatever sugar they like depending on their needs.

IMO there are two different regions of text in such tasks: first, the template, second, the payload for the template. Both needs parsing: the template is parsed to a function Data => String, where Data is template-specific (given the payload, it outputs the ready text); the payload is parsed into a function String => Data (given some text, it outputs the payload that can be used in a template).

I think this engine can be used for any plain-text processing task. Hence, we can not really talk about integrating it with the Scala compiler specifically at this point, since we may want to use it everywhere.

Some questions that will be risen for Scala programmers: