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posts/appscript/collect-ather-logs-using-api/ #2

Open utterances-bot opened 5 days ago

utterances-bot commented 5 days ago

Collect Ather Ride Logs using API · Anbuselvan Palaniyandi

    It has been 6+ months since the OCR based telegram bot was setup and opened to users. There were 60+ users using the bot and few of them setup their own bot at a time and the count started reducing to single digit. I expected that as long as there is any interactions required from users, it will not work out.

I started setting up the API based bot 3+ months ago and showed how to setup their own in the telegram group. Some are using it and found it is useful. I want to write a proper documentation how to set it up so that it would be easy to implement. This bot will not be available centrally as it contains lot of personal information and holds lot of data

shahdab-aalam-saifi commented 5 days ago

After recent update of Ather App, you should be looking for adb logcat | findstr Bearer to get user_cb_token.

e.g. Cosmo Log:: -> Authorization: Bearer