anchetaWern / ionic-ble-attendance

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Unable to attend in the app #1

Open IgorGanapolsky opened 7 years ago

IgorGanapolsky commented 7 years ago

Hello, I am running your Android app on a Nexus 5X. Bluetooth is turned on. Additionally, I run the server with node server/attendance.js.

However, when I put in my credentials and hit Attend button in the app, I get the error:

Error occured while trying to record your attendance.

See screenshot: attendance

IgorGanapolsky commented 7 years ago

Ok, upon debugging this app in Chrome Dev Tools, I see the following error:

err = "Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.util.List android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.getCharacteristics()' on a null object reference"

Digging deeper into the code, I see it is failing in List<BluetoothGattCharacteristic> characteristics = service.getCharacteristics();

Any ideas?

roshanr10 commented 7 years ago

@IgorGanapolsky any luck finding a solution? I'm seeing the same error

IgorGanapolsky commented 7 years ago

@roshanr10 Didn't spend more time finding a solution...

roshanr10 commented 7 years ago

@IgorGanapolsky I see, thanks anyway

pmahida1 commented 3 years ago

image @IgorGanapolsky I see that you were able to run the app. I believe that you were also able to install all packages. When i ran this same app on my end, i got that error. Can you please help me guide me through what is actually i am doing wrong? What command i should try to get rid of this app? i really need help right now.

IgorGanapolsky commented 3 years ago

@pmahida1 Look at your error: Can't find Python executable "python".

Have you checked python on your machine?