anchurcn / GoldsrcFramework

A framework between goldsrc engine and your mod code(formerly the HLSDK). Provides mathlib, enhanced engine APIs, additional game APIs, some new systems and new dev styles. Simplify you game development.
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[CodeGen] Generate goldsrc engine defination. #7

Open anchurcn opened 5 months ago

anchurcn commented 5 months ago


  1. The struct with direct function pointer declaration field yields empty struct in AstCpp compilation. eg:
    typedef struct r_studio_interface_s
    int version;
    int (*StudioDrawModel)(int flags);
    int (*StudioDrawPlayer)(int flags, struct entity_state_s* pplayer);
    } r_studio_interface_t;

    yields empty struct (ast representation): struct r_studio_interface_s{ }

  2. The struct with typedef function pointer declaration field yields zero parameter function type of the fields. eg:
    // Pointers to the exported engine functions themselves
    typedef struct cl_enginefuncs_s
    pfnEngSrc_pfnSPR_Load_t pfnSPR_Load;
    pfnEngSrc_pfnSPR_Frames_t pfnSPR_Frames;
    pfnEngSrc_pfnSPR_Height_t pfnSPR_Height;
    pfnEngSrc_pfnSPR_Width_t pfnSPR_Width;

    yields struct cl_enginefuncs_s{ void(*)() pfnSPR_Load; ... } but actual type of pfnSPR_Load is typedef HSPRITE (*pfnEngSrc_pfnSPR_Load_t)(const char* szPicName);