ancwrd1 / snx-rs

Open source Linux client for Checkpoint VPN tunnels
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Unable to fetch login types with GUI #21

Closed IdiotEbrilo closed 1 month ago

IdiotEbrilo commented 1 month ago

Hi! Sorry to annoy you once again, but i've been experimenting with snx-rs-gui for some time, and it apparently is unable to fetch login types that can be obtained with the console.

Here's the output of the snx-rs -m info (i removed some personal info):

Снимок экрана от 2024-05-13 18-06-43

So login options are available, although the cert check must be disabled. But when i try to do the same with GUI app, it says it's unable to fetch anything from data it received:

Снимок экрана от 2024-05-13 18-06-29

Cert check is disabled too:

Снимок экрана от 2024-05-13 18-17-13

What am i doing wrong?..

Update: also noticed, that gui app attempts to get login types from https://DOMAIN/clients, while console command uses just https://DOMAIN.

ancwrd1 commented 1 month ago

I think it's probably just a bug. could you please run the following command and attach the output (redacting any sensitive info). Replace SERVER_ADDRESS with your VPN GW.

curl -k -X POST -d '(CCCclientRequest :RequestHeader ( :id (0) :type (ClientHello)) :RequestData ( :client_info ( :client_type (TRAC) :client_version (1) :client_support_saml (true))))' https://SERVER_ADDRESS/clients
IdiotEbrilo commented 1 month ago

Here it goes:

    :ResponseHeader (
        :id (0)
        :type (ClientHello)
        :session_id ()
        :return_code (600)
    :ResponseData (
        :protocol_version (
            :protocol_version (100)
            :features (0x1)
        :upgrade_configuration (
            :available_client_version (835000022)
            :client_upgrade_url ("/CSHELL/")
            :upgrade_mode (no_upgrade)
        :connectivity_info (
            :default_authentication_method (client_decide)
            :client_enabled (true)
            :supported_data_tunnel_protocols (
                : (IPSec)
                : (SSL)
                : (L2TP)
            :connectivity_type (IPSec)
            :server_ip (
            :ipsec_transport (auto_detect)
            :tcpt_port (443)
            :natt_port (4500)
            :connect_with_certificate_url ("/clients/cert/")
            :cookie_name (CPCVPN_SESSION_ID)
            :internal_ca_fingerprint (
                :1 (707371107877627815647e62630478707c6909ff0c010d13030e71610f0d1a086074110a0513121713097018137c776e07ff1d660b051d6c)
        :end_point_security (
            :ics (
                :run_ics (false)
                :ics_base_url ("/clients/ICS/components")
                :ics_version (403006000)
                :ics_upgrade_url ("/clients/ICS/components/")
                :ics_images_url ("/clients/ICS/components/")
                :ics_images_ver (403006000)
                :ics_cab_url ("/clients/ICS/components/")
                :ics_cab_version ("994000010
        :login_options_data (
            :login_options_list (
                :0 (
                    :id (vpn_Certificate_**********)
                    :secondary_realm_hash (1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc)
                    :display_name ("********** Certificate")
                    :show_realm (1)
                    :factors (
                        :0 (
                            :factor_type (certificate)
                            :securid_card_type ()
                            :certificate_storage_type (capi)
                            :custom_display_labels (
                                :header ("Please provide certificate in order to authenticate")
                :1 (
                    :id (vpn_**********-Certificate)
                    :secondary_realm_hash (1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc)
                    :display_name ("********** Certificate")
                    :show_realm (1)
                    :factors (
                        :0 (
                            :factor_type (certificate)
                            :securid_card_type ()
                            :certificate_storage_type (any)
                            :custom_display_labels (
                                :header ("Please provide certificate in order to authenticate")
                :2 (
                    :id (vpn_Cert_DID)
                    :secondary_realm_hash (1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc)
                    :display_name (**********_Contracts)
                    :show_realm (1)
                    :factors (
                        :0 (
                            :factor_type (certificate)
                            :securid_card_type ()
                            :certificate_storage_type (capi)
                            :custom_display_labels (
                                :header ("Please provide certificate in order to authenticate")
                :3 (
                    :id (vpn_dso-cert)
                    :secondary_realm_hash (1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc)
                    :display_name ("DSO Certificate")
                    :show_realm (1)
                    :factors (
                        :0 (
                            :factor_type (certificate)
                            :securid_card_type ()
                            :certificate_storage_type (capi)
                            :custom_display_labels (
                                :header ("Please provide certificate in order to authenticate")
                :4 (
                    :id (vpn_DSO_Capsule)
                    :secondary_realm_hash (1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc)
                    :display_name ("DSO capsule certificate")
                    :show_realm (1)
                    :factors (
                        :0 (
                            :factor_type (certificate)
                            :securid_card_type ()
                            :certificate_storage_type (any)
                            :custom_display_labels (
                                :header ("Please provide certificate in order to authenticate")
                :5 (
                    :id (vpn_**********_ca2)
                    :secondary_realm_hash (1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc)
                    :display_name ("********** **********")
                    :show_realm (1)
                    :factors (
                        :0 (
                            :factor_type (certificate)
                            :securid_card_type ()
                            :certificate_storage_type (capi)
                            :custom_display_labels (
                                :header ("Please provide certificate in order to authenticate")
                :6 (
                    :id (vpn)
                    :secondary_realm_hash (1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc)
                    :display_name (Standard)
                    :show_realm (1)
                    :factors (
                        :0 (
                            :factor_type (certificate)
                            :securid_card_type ()
                            :certificate_storage_type (capi)
                            :custom_display_labels (
                                :header ("Please provide certificate in order to authenticate")
            :login_options_md5 (63596529732fdb11915ceb72660e0515)
ancwrd1 commented 1 month ago

Please pull the changes, build and try again.

IdiotEbrilo commented 1 month ago

Thanks! Now it connects.

IdiotEbrilo commented 1 month ago

But here's one more thing with routing. I set it to ignore all routes provided by snx server and add one route manually:

Снимок экрана от 2024-05-13 19-14-53

But it adds completely different route:

Снимок экрана от 2024-05-13 19-14-38

So i can add it only manually with console:

sudo ip route add dev snx-xfrm scope link

How can i add custom static routes with gui app?

ancwrd1 commented 1 month ago

So there was yet another bug (manual routes ignored for IPSec tunnel), now fixed. Thanks for reporting.

ancwrd1 commented 1 month ago

The one on the screenshot is the kernel route added automatically when interface is configured with IP address.

IdiotEbrilo commented 1 month ago

Connects flawlessly now. Thanks for your work!