and-murray / wharf-spaces

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App - View list of upcoming bookings #25

Open tomdownes14 opened 9 months ago

tomdownes14 commented 9 months ago

In GitLab by @christopher.batin on Nov 15, 2023, 14:32

User Story

As a user of the app I want to be able to view both my car park and desk space bookings in the same list So that I can quickly and conveniently confirm that I have booked both a car park space and desk space for the days that I am coming into the office


This will allow users on the homepage of the app to be able to see all of their bookings in one place. This feature was descoped from the original release. This feature will re-add the tab bar and home page to the app which will then allow further development. E.g Admins may have an extra tab to be able to add and remove admins.

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am a logged in user. When I first log in. Then I should land on a homepage and see a tab bar with two tabs at the bottom of the screen. With "Home" and "Bookings" tabs.

Given I am on the homepage When I select the Bookings tab Then I should be taken to the bookings page.

Given I am on the Bookings Tab When I select the home tab Then I should be taken to the home page.

Given I am on the Homepage Then I should see a top nav bar with the title home and a logout button which behaves like it does on the bookings page.

Given I am on the homepage When I have bookings Then I should see a list of these bookings as per the designs below the profile section

Given I am on the homepage Then I should see a profile section.

Given I am on the homepage When I have NO bookings Then I should see a section

Given I have a communal desk booking Then I should be made clear this is communal.

Given I have a parking space on the reserve list Then this should be made clear as per the designs.

Given I have multiple bookings. Then all bookings in the future should be displayed as per the designs.

Given I have guest bookings Then these should be displayed clearly as guest bookings as per the designs.


Designs need to be made/added.

Technical Implementation

The original tab bar was removed in This can be reimplemented using the same method. We will only need two tabs though.

On the homepage we can gather the users slice, as the user will be logged in we already have this information.

We will need to gather all of a users upcoming bookings, we will need to add a new reducer to the User slice in order to gather all of the upcoming bookings for the user. This should be done by a request that filters by UserId and where the date is greater than or equal to today.

Are all areas of the checklist addressed?

Ready for implementation checklist


tomdownes14 commented 9 months ago

In GitLab by @christopher.batin on Nov 16, 2023, 16:37

marked the checklist item Are Functions Impacted? - No changes to functions are required as completed

tomdownes14 commented 9 months ago

In GitLab by @christopher.batin on Nov 16, 2023, 16:37

marked the checklist item Feature Flag Decision Made? - Feature flag not required if completed as one PR. as completed

tomdownes14 commented 9 months ago

In GitLab by @christopher.batin on Nov 16, 2023, 16:37

marked the checklist item Database Changes? - No database changes are required. Current firestore rules should also be enough. as completed

tomdownes14 commented 9 months ago

In GitLab by @christopher.batin on Nov 16, 2023, 16:37

marked the checklist item What roles can access this feature? All roles. as completed

tomdownes14 commented 9 months ago

In GitLab by @christopher.batin on Nov 16, 2023, 16:37

marked the checklist item Testing Strategy as completed