and-murray / wharf-spaces

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Calendar when user has a desk space and is on car park waiting list (UPDATE) #32

Open tomdownes14 opened 9 months ago

tomdownes14 commented 9 months ago

In GitLab by @christopher.batin on Nov 15, 2023, 14:32


The calendar should clearly display when the user has a desk booking (green tick) and also show the user that they are on the waiting list for the car park.  


User Story

+As+ a Murray ANDi

+I want+ my calendar to clearly show the days I have desk and car park bookings

+So that+ I can quickly see the status of my week


Acceptance Criteria

+Given+ a user has a desk/ communal space booked and are on the car park waiting list

+When+ th

+Then+ , journey/ design as pictured below:

!Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 17.41.51.png|width=704,height=334!


Tech Implementations/ Questions: