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Calendar showing weekends #44

Open tomdownes14 opened 10 months ago

tomdownes14 commented 10 months ago

In GitLab by @christopher.batin on Nov 15, 2023, 14:32


The calendar should always show Saturday and Sundays. The weekend (Saturday and Sunday) should only be enabled when users are on the car park booking screen as this is the only time they can book weekend slots.


User Story

+As+ a user of the Murray Spaces app

+I want+ to be able to book a car parking spot on the weekend, just like I currently can using the spreadsheet

+So that+ the basic experiences of the current format are not lost


Acceptance Criteria

+Given+ the user has successfully signed into the Murray Spaces app

+When+ they land on the desk booking screen

+Then+ the calendar should display Saturday and Sunday as disabled/ greyed out

+Given+ the user has successfully signed into the Murray Spaces app

+When+ they select the car parking tab

+Then+ the calendar should display Saturday and Sunday as enabled and selectable

+Given+ the user has selected the car parking tab

+When+ they select a weekend date (Saturday or Sunday)

+Then+ the booking section should appear as normal, like the weekdays, displaying the user’s profile section and the who’s in list


Tech Implementations/ Questions: