and3rson / clay

Awesome standalone command line player for Google Play Music.
GNU General Public License v3.0
157 stars 11 forks source link

Possible Device IDs not showing #45

Open lee-tts opened 5 years ago

lee-tts commented 5 years ago

The readme suggests the following:

You will also need to know your Device ID. Thanks to gmusicapi, the app should display possible IDs once you enter a wrong one.

Where will they display? Debug and Settings tab show no signs, besides 'Is authenticated: False'. Is there a log somewhere? I've entered a 'wrong' id twice, once using one found randomly online, and once using the string reported by adb devices.

Running Ubuntu 18.04, installed via pip.

Of possible note: I am on gpm family plan as a family member, not the main account. Not sure if this matters.

Thank you!


lee-tts commented 5 years ago

It occurs to me that the 'Device ID' may have nothing at all to do with my phone. Device refers to my computer?

and3rson commented 5 years ago

Thanks for report!

Definitely a bug - I can reproduce this too.

ValentijnvdBeek commented 5 years ago

A quick work around while this bug exists is to start a python prompt and write the following commands:

import gmusicapi

api = gmusicapi.Mobileclient()
api.login("", "your-password", "invalid")

This will give you an exception with your device ID.

Also, sidenote, it seems prudent that Clay does this automatically for you instead of showing it in the notification area. However, this should be done at a future point in time.

agg23 commented 5 years ago

In addition, as far as I know, you cannot copy from the notification area, so even when Clay does show the possible ids as a notification, it doesn't do any good unless you want to type the whole thing out.

lee-tts commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the updates and workaround.

When I try to use the api login, it returns False. Makes me think the issue might lie with gmusicapi or my own account (which as I mention is a submember of a family plan).

lee@lee:~$ python
Python 2.7.15rc1 (default, Apr 15 2018, 21:51:34) 
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> help
Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object.
>>> import gmusicapi
>>> api = gmusicapi.Mobileclient()
>>> api.login("", "*************", "invalid")

Edit: Tried looking at gmusicapi docs, all seems ok. Not using 2FA.

lee-tts commented 5 years ago

Quick update. I tried logging in with another account, one which does not have any GMP subscription of any kind, and that also has 2FA. Used app password.

Logs in just fine, offered device ids, and once it's entered it seems to work. Search works, but cannot play anything (obviously—not a GMP member with this account).

So it seems to be an account problem rather than a problem generally with Clay.

Quick tip for copying IDs from notification area: open Clay in a tmux window. Tmux will let you copy anything :D