andacata / HybridIgniter

HybridAuth - CodeIgniter integration
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Routing failures when trying to call hauth #7

Closed wagesj45 closed 11 years ago

wagesj45 commented 11 years ago

I've been trying for two days to get this to work with a vanilla install of codeigniter. None of the URL's that point to index.php/hauth/* work. All I get are 404 errors. I set a route to handle logins, such that $route['login/(:any)'] = 'hauth/login/$1';, but when I run this, it redirects to a url with index.php in it again, which fails. Is there something I'm missing or is this a bug?

wagesj45 commented 11 years ago

Nevermind. It was indeed a routing issue. If you follow codeigniters first tutorial for routing pages using a page controller, you'll muck it all up.