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Rewrite documentation for `stochastic_proj` using `roxygen` formatting #4

Closed tdjames1 closed 3 years ago

tdjames1 commented 3 years ago

It's a good idea to use a standardised form for your function documentation to make it easier to read and understand. In R, there is a standard approach to formatting called roxygen which can be used to auto-generate documentation when you're writing packages, but it's really useful to apply it to all of your functions. Could you try rewriting the documentation for stochastic_proj() in this standard format?

You can find sample documentation for functions here:

and some more general notes on roxygen comments:

N.B. Don't worry about using devtools::document() at this stage. That's for generating package documentation and won't work correctly in an R project that isn't a package, if I remember rightly.

tdjames1 commented 3 years ago

Resolved by commit 0ad8c9b.