andela / pibbble

Dribbble Clone for Programmers
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[Feature #111395680] Following & Unfollowing users #289

Closed gngchrs closed 8 years ago

gngchrs commented 8 years ago

@unicodeveloper there are a few issues with this. Everything works fine but I think I have to load the follow/unfollow modals with an ajax request. Currently the modals are being populated with the page load of /{username} or /dashboard, and so, if I unfollow someone from the modal, I have to do a page refresh to see the changes.

I want to now refactor it to load the modals from ajax calls, which get the followers and populates the modal instead, without a refresh.

Please advice on any better approach.

unicodeveloper commented 8 years ago

What's the status on this @andela-cganga ?

gngchrs commented 8 years ago

@unicodeveloper the badges in /{username}, other people profiles is what is left. Trying to figure out how to update them when one if followed. Looks simple but has been bugging me for a while. I will pair with one of the team members @andela-sakande tomorrow for some help.

gngchrs commented 8 years ago

@unicodeveloper The feature works fine now.

unicodeveloper commented 8 years ago

When I am not logged in, and I try to view the number of followers a user has, I get a 401 Unauthorized error @andela-cganga

screen shot 2016-01-22 at 11 47 12 am screen shot 2016-01-22 at 11 50 14 am
gngchrs commented 8 years ago

@unicodeveloper Fixed it.

unicodeveloper commented 8 years ago

Good Job @andela-cganga :+1: