anderkve / FYS3150
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mean values #23

Closed raggsokker closed 2 years ago

raggsokker commented 2 years ago

Maybe I am misunderstanding something, but it is "logical" to compare the empirical mean (1/N * sum x) to the mean one gets from the Boltzmann distribution? In project 4 problem 1) b), those two different mean values for energy seem to disagree with each other.

anderkve commented 2 years ago

Hi @raggsokker!

Hmm, not sure I fully understand the question. There is no sample mean involved in problem 1 b) (You haven't done any form of sampling yet.)

Also, in case this could be the source of the confusion: Keep in mind that the Boltzmann distribution is not a pdf for energy, its a pdf for states (discussed in the lecture on Friday). So make sure you are summing over the correct thing when finding the analytical expressions for the expectation values in problem 1 b)