anderkve / FYS3150
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Problem when solving the Thomas algorithm #36

Closed JohanCarlsen closed 1 year ago

JohanCarlsen commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm stuck. I can't seem to find where the error is in my code.

`// initial values double x_0 = step; double u_0 = f(x_0); double b_0 = b; double g_0 = u_0;

// initialize vectors x(0) = x_0; u(0) = u_0; b_tilde(0) = b_0; g_tilde(0) = g_0;

// forward substitution for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { x(i+1) = x(i) + step; u(i+1) = f(x(i+1)); b_tilde(i+1) = b - a / b_tilde(i) c; g_tilde(i+1) = u(i+1) - a / b_tilde(i) g_tilde(i); }

v(n) = g_tilde(n) / b_tilde(n);

// backwards substitution for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) { v(i) = (g_tilde(i) - c * v(i+1)) / b_tilde(i); }`

This produces as plot, which for u(x) seems ok, but for v(x) is very strange. Does anyone spot the error, or am I forever doomed?

fridasor commented 2 years ago

I may be mistaken, but it looks like maybe you've forgotten to multiply f(x+1) by h^2?

JohanCarlsen commented 2 years ago

Oh! But aren’t g_i just the discretized version of f(x)? If not, I may have to rethink a lot..

anderkve commented 2 years ago

Hi @JohanCarlsen!

I only have a couple of minutes just now, so this reply will be very quick. A few things:

Good luck with the debugging! :)

mikkelme commented 2 years ago

Hi @JohanCarlsen,

First of all, I agree with the advice given already. The general mistakes seem to be that you confuse u and g and also have some inconsistencies with the indexing. As @anderkve mentioned, it is a bit difficult to debug without seeing how you defined the variables and the length of your arrays, but I made an attempt regardless. Bear in mind that it really makes things more complicated when you fill in arrays and solve the matrix in the same loops (as mentioned already), but for educational purposes I kept that in the debugged version for better transparency of what needs to be changed. Also, in your final version a and c should be in array form (and not just a single variable) such that you have more flexibility for different tridiagonal matrices, but I did not change that here.

My assumption is that your vector v for the inner solution has length n. The following changes should solve the problems.

// Change notation 
double h = step;
double hh = h*h; 

// Initialize vectors
x(0) = h;
b_tilde(0]) = b;
g_tilde(0) = f( x(0) )*hh;

// Forward substitution
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) // Changed starting point to 1 and indexing from, i+1 to i, inside the loop
    // Fill in arrays (should be done in a separate loop for better readability)
    x(i) = x(i-1) + h; 
    g(i) = f( x(i) ) * hh;

    // Actual forward substitution part 
    b_tilde(i) = b - a / b_tilde[i-1] * c;
    g_tilde(i) = g(i) - a / b_tilde(i-1) * g_tilde(i-1);

// Backwards substitution
v(n-1) = g_tilde(n-1) / b_tilde(n-1);   // changed index from n to n-1
for (int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--)   // changed start point to n-2
    v(i) = (g_tilde(i) - c * v(i+1)) / b_tilde(i);

// End of code

Now the inner part of the solution should be contained in x, v such that the full solution is given as x = [0, x(0), x(1), ..., x(n-1), 1] v = [0, v(0), v(1), ..., v(n-1), 0]

JohanCarlsen commented 2 years ago

Thank you all. It worked!