This site's grown quite large. While this is good, it can be hard for new users to know what's what. We should add little info hover bubbles on things like REMAINING to show how many courses you need to pick for each pathway. Really, whatever an outside user could see as Difficult, we want to try to make clear. Another example of user tooltips could be with year selection. What year are we selecting? What is this in the first place? Why do I need a year? Things like that.
This site's grown quite large. While this is good, it can be hard for new users to know what's what. We should add little info hover bubbles on things like REMAINING to show how many courses you need to pick for each pathway. Really, whatever an outside user could see as Difficult, we want to try to make clear. Another example of user tooltips could be with year selection. What year are we selecting? What is this in the first place? Why do I need a year? Things like that.