anderpham / ML_HomeworkSubmission

Submission of homework
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Open coderschoolreview opened 5 years ago

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

How many people have the job title of "Lawyer" ?

select_lawyer = sal['Job'] == 'Lawyer'

Could've been done with

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Overall : Good, all answers are correct.

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

All answer correct. Awesome

Didn't work because "data" folder doesnt exist. Could fix by creating one.

anderpham commented 5 years ago

Thanks teacher

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Assignment 4:

EDA: Should include Exploratory Data Analysis into notebook.

For ref, check out Mai's notebook


coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Anderpham: Assignment 5

The goal of this assignment was to introduce you following concepts in Machine Learning:

Things you did well

Things to work on

Minor tips

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Assignment 6

Goal of this Assignment

The goal of this assignment was to introduce you to following concepts:

You learn how to use PCA for dimension reduction, KMeans, and Hierarchical Clustering. Also you learn to visualize the result of both tenichque.

Things you did well:

To sum up:

Few minor tips

To create a range of integer, use range(low,high,step)

k_values = range(1,20)

Almost correct, just need to add color of each cluster to plot by adding argument c=y_cluster to plt.scatter function

Plot out result using scatter using the first 2 components of PCA

Your code here

pca2 = PCA(n_components=2) projected = pca2.fit_transform(X)

plt.figure(figsize=(25, 10))

plt.scatter(projected[:, 0], projected[:, 1], edgecolor='none', alpha=0.5,'viridis', 10) c = y_cluster )

coderschoolreview commented 5 years ago

Assignment 6

Goal of this Assignment

The goal of this assignment was to introduce you to following concepts:

You learn how to use PCA for dimension reduction, KMeans, and Hierarchical Clustering. Also you learn to visualize the result of both tenichque.

Things you did well:

To sum up:

Few minor tips

Almost correct, just need to add color of each cluster to plot by adding argument c=y_cluster to plt.scatter function

pca2 = PCA(n_components=2)
projected = pca2.fit_transform(X)
plt.figure(figsize=(25, 10))
plt.scatter(projected[:, 0], projected[:, 1],
            edgecolor='none', alpha=0.5,
  'viridis', 10)
            c = y_cluster