andersbll / cudarray

CUDA-based NumPy
MIT License
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Cuda Streams #43

Open Henry-Chinner opened 8 years ago

Henry-Chinner commented 8 years ago

It will be great if cudarray can support Cuda streams for maximum utilization of GPU resource.

Something like,,b, stream = 1, out = c ),e, stream = 2, out = f )

andersbll commented 8 years ago

This would be insanely great, yes! :)

However, I think context managers might be a more Pythonic way to approach this. Also, I want to avoid breaking NumPy compatibility. This is how I imagine it should work:

with ca.init_stream(1) as stream:
    c =, b)
with ca.init_stream(2) as stream:
    f =, e)
Henry-Chinner commented 8 years ago

That looks great.

While one the topic, async data transfer could be established using the same method.

with ca.init_stream(1) as stream:
   a = ca.array(np_a)
   b = ca.array(np_b)  
   c =, b)
with ca.init_stream(2) as stream:
   d = ca.array(np_d)
   e = ca.array(np_e)  
   f =, e)