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Content - questions to the stress test to put in java script #11

Open Christina5P opened 1 month ago

Christina5P commented 1 month ago

Category - Privat time

  1. I often feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities.
  2. I have trouble relaxing or unwinding after a busy day.
  3. I frequently feel anxious or nervous.
  4. I experience physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, or muscle tension.
  5. I find it difficult to concentrate or have time for my relationsships
  6. I feel irritable or moody more often than usual.
  7. I have trouble sleeping, either falling asleep or staying asleep.
  8. I frequently worry about the future.

Category - Work related/ Academic stress

  1. I often feel overwhelmed by my workload.
  2. I frequently work overtime or bring work home.
  3. I feel unsupported by my colleagues or supervisors.
  4. I experience physical symptoms like headaches or fatigue related to work stress.
  5. I find it hard to meet deadlines and keep up with work demands.
  6. I have trouble concentrating on tasks and/or falling behind
  7. I feel that my job demands are unreasonable or unrealistic.
  8. I feel undervalued or unrecognized for my work.

Category - Financial Stress Level Quiz

  1. I often worry about my financial situation.
  2. I struggle to pay my bills on time.
  3. I find it difficult to save money.
  4. I frequently argue about money with my partner or family.
  5. I feel stressed about my financial future or retirement.
  6. I have experienced financial hardship due to unexpected expenses.
  7. I feel that my financial situation is out of control.
  8. I worry about not having enough money for emergencies.

Category - Social Media and Technology

  1. I spend more time on social media than I would like.
  2. I feel anxious or stressed after using social media.
  3. I compare myself to others on social media and feel inadequate.
  4. I feel overwhelmed by the amount of information and notifications I receive.
  5. I have trouble disconnecting from my devices, even when I want to relax.
  6. I feel stressed by the pressure to be constantly available and responsive.
  7. I experience physical symptoms like eye strain or headaches from screen time.
  8. I feel that social media negatively impacts my relationships.

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