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How can you reduce your privat stress? - link from result to this text #14

Open Christina5P opened 3 months ago

Christina5P commented 3 months ago


Managing Personal Time Stress Stabilize Your Foundation Ensure you stabilize your foundation to help your body and mind recover. Focus on sleep, eating habits, and exercise. If you are too tired to exercise, a walk is good enough. Nature offers calm and relief; try hugging a tree and see if you feel any difference inside you.

Practice Breathing Exercises Breathing exercises help regulate your stress levels. Mindfulness allows you to be present in the moment and listen to yourself. Yoga combines breath and physical movement to reduce stress.

Be Your Own Best Friend Remember, you must rescue yourself before you can rescue others. Spend time doing things you enjoy. It is okay to say no to things you don't like or need to conserve your energy.

Challenge Negative Thoughts Be critical of your negative thoughts—they are just thoughts. Do you know for sure that they are true? Can you affect the situation, or should you let it go?

Seek Professional Help If you've been stressed for a long time, don't hesitate to seek professional help. There are effective therapeutic models you can practice with the guidance of a coach or therapist. Two recommended behavioral theories are:

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): A goal-oriented form that focuses on negative thought patterns and behaviors. ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy): Combines mindfulness strategies with behavior change techniques, focusing on accepting your thoughts rather than fighting them, and changing negative thoughts and behaviors to improve well-being.