andersju / webbkoll

An online tool that checks how a website is doing with regards to privacy
MIT License
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Service unavailable, maximum number of allowed connections reached #3

Closed HyDDc closed 7 years ago

HyDDc commented 7 years ago

Sorry, but i'm still trying to set up webbkoll on my own server.

Unfortunately i get this error: (WorkerError) Service unavailable, maximum number of allowed connections reached. Do you any idea?

And my second question is: How can i access the database. I got the dump but i can't access with "SELECT * FROM database_name?".

Kind regards

andersju commented 7 years ago

(WorkerError) Service unavailable, maximum number of allowed connections reached.

That's an error from PhearJS meaning all its workers are currently in use. You can specify the number of workers in PhearJS' config file (config/config.json). Make sure that you have a matching number specified in Webbkoll's config/dev.exs in the queues setting. E.g. queues: [{"q1", 5}], if you have five workers.

And my second question is: How can i access the database. I got the dump but i can't access with "SELECT * FROM database_name?".

It's a normal PostgreSQL database, so just access it with psql. E.g. psql -U postgres webbkoll_dev

HyDDc commented 7 years ago


unfortunately it doesn't work for me. I have configured the numbers and the number of workers but it hasn't changed anything. Is there a way to reboot phearjs and the web workers?

"my webbkoll" on my server works for several pages and then i get this error. Or is this error related to the database?

andersju commented 7 years ago

It must be something related to PhearJS, or more likely PhantomJS. How did you install PhearJS, and how are you starting it? What version of PhantomJS?