andersnoren / bjork

Björk is a minimal block theme for blogs and personal websites.
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[FEATURE] Want a page with normal headers that works both on mobile and desktop #1

Closed saiftheboss7 closed 1 year ago

saiftheboss7 commented 1 year ago

I'm not really comfortable with a separate mobile menu and desktop menu. It'd be great if we can have an option for a single menu that works seamless on both mobile and desktop.

For example, This is page on my website. I want a normal header to apply on this page as well (Currently on desktop there's no top navigation - can't figure out how to do it!)

andersnoren commented 1 year ago

Hi @saiftheboss7,

First off, thanks for the creating the first issue in the repo!

The CSS that is hiding the header on desktop is targeting the site-header class, so you can set the header to be visible by removing that class from the header template part.

Go to Appearance → Editor, select the template that you want the header to remain visible on desktop on, select the header template part, expand the "Advanced" tab in the right sidebar, and remove the site-header class from field labeled "Additional CSS class(es)". That should take care of it.

I might add a "Header only" template in the future, but there's no easy way to make that a sitewide option for the theme.

— Anders

saiftheboss7 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @andersnoren. I've figured this out!