andersonwinkler / PALM

PALM: Permutation Analysis of Linear Models
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error in using wb_command inside matlab #36

Open amirka1379 opened 2 years ago

amirka1379 commented 2 years ago

I want to do a palm analysis with -transposedata and etc but it keeps giving me 'Currently cannot read/write CIFTI files without the HCP Workbench' I tried some of the ways you have mentioned to how to fix this problem but it did not help I would appreciate it if you helped me how to use the hcp workbench inside Matlab and how to work with the wb_command function wb_view function is alright in Matlab but my windows Matlab can not recognize wb_command with the system('wb_command')

andersonwinkler commented 2 years ago

Hi Amirhosein,

PALM uses the command "which" to locate programs such as wb_command, but this only works on Linux and Mac.

For Windows you'd have to edit the palm_checkprogs.m to make PALM set "palm_extern.wb_command = true" always, and further, edit palm_ciftiread.m and palm_ciftiwrite.m such that the variable "wb_command" is set at the beginning to point to the location in your system where the actual wb_command is located.

It should work then, but you'll have to make these edits by hand.

All the best,


amirka1379 commented 2 years ago

thanks a lot for your help i did succeed in running the command but I get this error after the first problem was solved ERROR: NAME OF FILE: results_Y4h4Ng.gii

Output stream for external file reports its status as bad.

Error using xml_parser The XML document was not valid

and when I do gii = gifti('results_Y4h4Ng.gii');

this error will pop up Error using xml_parser The XML document was not valid

Error in gifti_read (line 14) t = xml_parser(filename);

Error in gifti (line 105) this = gifti_read(varargin{1},giftistruct);

gllmflndn commented 2 years ago

Hello @amirka1379 Assuming the file is where it should be when read by the gifti library, could you attach file results_Y4h4Ng.gii to this issue so that I can have a look?

amirka1379 commented 2 years ago Thanks for your precious help this is the zipped file of it

gllmflndn commented 2 years ago

Thank you, the XML file is indeed not valid, two end tags are missing at the end of the file:


After adding them manually, the file is parsed correctly so it might be worth checking whether there is an issue upstream with wb_command: are you using the latest version? The data are stored in there might be further issues in reading the data but it would be good to clear the issue above first.

gllmflndn commented 2 years ago

I also notice the Data tag is missing so what actually needs to be added at the end of the file is:
