However, I have been getting this error early on with the permutations:
Building null distribution.
0.02% [Design 1/1, Contrast 1/1, Shuffling 1/5000, Modality 1/1]
Saving file: test_palm_vox_tstat
Error using palm_gcdf (/mnt/data1/fconnect/software/MATLAB/palm-alpha119/palm_gcdf.m:63)
X must be in the interval [0,1].
Error in palm_gtoz (/mnt/data1/fconnect/software/MATLAB/palm-alpha119/palm_gtoz.m:80->palm_gcdf)
Error in palm_core (/mnt/data1/fconnect/software/MATLAB/palm-alpha119/palm_core.m:1579->palm_gtoz)
Error in palm (/mnt/data1/fconnect/software/MATLAB/palm-alpha119/palm.m:81->palm_core)
Dear PALM team,
I am trying to run a paired t-test between 30 subjects in a "pre" and "pos" condition, following the Example 3 (Table 11) of «Permutation inference for the general linear model». Here's my configuration: Contrast.csv, Design.csv, Exchg_Blocks.csv
However, I have been getting this error early on with the permutations:
Do you know what could be causing this?
Thank you in advance, Daniel