I'm running palm to test for group differences in cortical thickness (from Freesurfer). When I check the results of the output file (fsp_tfce_tstat_fwep.mgz). If i understand correctly, this file saves the FWE corrected p values for each vertex. However, I find a large regions presenting values at 0; and some regions presenting values between 0-0.45 (as shown below). If i want to identify the regions with significant (p=0.05) group differences, shall I take a threshold at 0.05 for this file?
Dear Anderson,
I'm running palm to test for group differences in cortical thickness (from Freesurfer). When I check the results of the output file (fsp_tfce_tstat_fwep.mgz). If i understand correctly, this file saves the FWE corrected p values for each vertex. However, I find a large regions presenting values at 0; and some regions presenting values between 0-0.45 (as shown below). If i want to identify the regions with significant (p=0.05) group differences, shall I take a threshold at 0.05 for this file?
Here is my code for PALM:
hemi = 'lh'; input = 'lh.213.thickness.10.mgh'; maskfile = 'lh.cognition_compare.glmdir/mask.mgh'; surffile = '/opt/freesurfer/7.3.2/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.white'; areafile = '/opt/freesurfer/7.3.2/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.white.avg.area.mgh';
cft = 1.3; pthresh = 10^-cft; zthresh = fast_p2z(pthresh); iters = 5000;
zthreshstr = sprintf('%f',zthresh); itersstr = sprintf('%d',iters);
palm('-i',input,'-m',maskfile,'-d','design.mat','-t','design.con','-logp',... '-n',itersstr,'-C',zthreshstr,'-o','fsp','-s',surffile, areafile, '-T');
Can you help me understand these output files?
Thank you! Best, Hao Li