Closed WhV5 closed 5 years ago
go install -ldflags="-H windowsgui"
Maybe you can try:
λ go install -ldflags "-linkmode=internal"
same error
gcc 版本和go不批的问题,解决办法:
Maybe you can try:
λ go install -ldflags "-linkmode=internal"
Maybe you can try:
λ go install -ldflags "-linkmode=internal"
用这个可行。我的gcc是msys2中的 9.2版本
C:\Go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\link.exe: running gcc failed: exit status 1 c:/mingw/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.8.2/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: i386 architecture of input file `C:\Users\henry\AppData\Local\Temp\go-link-908393803\000000.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status