andfanilo / streamlit-drawable-canvas

Do you like Quick, Draw? Well what if you could train/predict doodles drawn inside Streamlit? Also draws lines, circles and boxes over background images for annotation.
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Format of canvas image_data #52

Closed deepika2502 closed 3 years ago

deepika2502 commented 3 years ago

To further proceed with the canvas result, image_data, I need to know its type to work with opencv. Can you suggest a way that will work for opencv functions as well as displaying the image with st.image()

andfanilo commented 3 years ago

Hello @deepika2502 ,

Thanks for reporting, you're right I didn't specify the typing of image_data in the docs. It's a (height, width, 4) numpy array representing the RGBA values at the given pixel position. You can directly display if with st.image(canvas_result.image_data).

I did not test but judging from you'll need to convert the numpy array to cv array beforehand with cv.fromarray.

You can also convert if to a Pillow image, which I think OpenCV can work on:

from Pillow import Image
im = Image.fromarray(img_data)

Hope this helps, Fanilo

deepika2502 commented 3 years ago

Hello, Thank you for the response. I figured it last night and converted the canvas image to opencv format, eliminating the A from RGBA. I cannot display the image using st.image() now. It gives a black picture

deepika2502 commented 3 years ago

Hello, Thank you for the response. I figured it last night and converted the canvas image to opencv format, eliminating the A from RGBA. I cannot display the image using st.image() now. It gives a black picture

Hey, I figured it out. Thank you (:

komodovaran commented 2 years ago

For anyone else who stumbles across this and wonders "what was the answer in the end", I've made it work with the following, assuming img_2d is a 2D greyscale image (numpy array) with float intensities in the range (0, 1):

from PIL import Image # note that this is using 'Pillow'

display_img = (
    Image.fromarray((img_2d * 255).astype(np.uint8))

canvas_result = st_canvas(..., background_image=display_img)
deepika2502 commented 2 years ago

For anyone else who stumbles across this and wonders "what was the answer in the end", I've made it work with the following, assuming img_2d is a 2D greyscale image (numpy array) with float intensities in the range (0, 1):

from PIL import Image # note that this is using 'Pillow'

display_img = (
    Image.fromarray((img_2d * 255).astype(np.uint8))

canvas_result = st_canvas(..., background_image=display_img)

Hello @komodovaran, thank you for adding a solution

murtazabasu commented 2 years ago

Sorry, if I didn't understand this correctly. But in my case after uploading an image and drawing something on it I would like to get the drawing as well as the image that was uploaded back. st.image(canvas_result.image_data) only displays the drawing and not the uploaded image in bg.

andfanilo commented 2 years ago

Hi @murtazabasu,

Unfortunately it is not possible for now :/ it's technically a bit of a pain to do as the drawing and background image are on different canvases on the JS side. I think you should be able to superimpose the drawing and the image on the Python side though (

murtazabasu commented 2 years ago

Sorry, if I didn't understand this correctly. But in my case after uploading an image and drawing something on it I would like to get the drawing as well as the image that was uploaded back. st.image(canvas_result.image_data) only displays the drawing and not the uploaded image in bg.

Thank you for the reply @andfanilo I solved it using PIL.

bg_image = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Base image:", type=["png", "jpg"]) 
image =
canvas_result = st_canvas(  
uploaded_image = Image.fromarray(np.array(image))
drawing = Image.fromarray((canvas_result.image_data).astype(np.uint8))
uploaded_image.paste(drawing, (0,0), mask=drawing)  # super imposed image