andgineer / TRegExpr

Regular expressions (regex), pascal.
MIT License
174 stars 63 forks source link

docs #173

Closed Alexey-T closed 4 years ago

Alexey-T commented 4 years ago

RegEx | Matches
-- | --
\w | an alphanumeric character (including _)
\W | a nonalphanumeric
\d | a numeric character (same as [0123456789])
\D | a non-numeric
\s | any space (same as [ \t\n\r\f])
\S | a non space
\h | horizontal whitespace. the tab and all characters in the “space separator” Unicode category.
\H | not a horizontal whitespace
\v | vertical whitespace. all characters treated as line breaks in the Unicode standard.
\V | not a vertical whitespace

You may use \w, \d and \s within user character classes.

but we can also use \W \D \S and \h \H \v \V in char classes AFAIR ??

andgineer commented 4 years ago

thank you