After upgrading from PHP 8 to PHP 8.1 I'm getting the following warning:
PHP Warning: Andig\RunCommand::execute(): SSL_read on shutdown: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading in /app-release/carddav2fb/src/RunCommand.php on line 51
This warning does not seem to have an impact on the functionality of this cool tool. Everything's syncing like a charm ...
After upgrading from PHP 8 to PHP 8.1 I'm getting the following warning:
PHP Warning: Andig\RunCommand::execute(): SSL_read on shutdown: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading in /app-release/carddav2fb/src/RunCommand.php on line 51
This warning does not seem to have an impact on the functionality of this cool tool. Everything's syncing like a charm ...