andig / homebridge-fritz

Homebridge platform for Fritz!Box router and supported DECT devices
MIT License
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FritzBox user login #146

Open Maze2Go opened 3 years ago

Maze2Go commented 3 years ago

I set up the the plugin for my homebridge on my raspberry. I was nearly ready but I got a issue that the login credentials are wrong. I tried very long to get this done. In the end I tried to change the fritzbox interface login from password to username and password. I hope you understand me. So, my question, is it possible to set the interface to the "just password interface" and log the raspberry in with an username?

andig commented 3 years ago

Afaik you need username and passeord.

Staubgeborener commented 3 years ago

just create a extra user for this plugin in your fritzbox: Login to FritzBox: System -> FRITZ!Box-User -> add user Create a user and a password for this use.

Your config.json need this combination like this:

            "platform": "FRITZ!Box",
            "name": "SSID of the FRITZ!Box",
            "username": "new_user",
            "password": "new_password",
            "url": "http://ipaddressoffritzbox",

You don't need to change the interface login password or anything else.