andig / homebridge-fritz

Homebridge platform for Fritz!Box router and supported DECT devices
MIT License
74 stars 22 forks source link

Failed to find plugin to handle accessory Thermostat … und Initializing FRITZ!Box platform accessories failed #153

Open tjdomsalla opened 3 years ago

tjdomsalla commented 3 years ago


ich benutze oznu/homebridge auf einem Synology-NAS. Aber nun habe ich Probleme mit dem homebridge-fritz–Plugin. Ich erhalte immer wieder diese Ausgabe:

``` [37m[10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-fritz@0.9.5 [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-fritz.FRITZ!Box' [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] --- [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Loading 1 platforms... [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] [Asterix] Initializing FRITZ!Box platform... [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Failed to find plugin to handle accessory Thermostat Schlafzimmer [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Removing orphaned accessory Thermostat Schlafzimmer [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Failed to find plugin to handle accessory Thermostat Bad [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Removing orphaned accessory Thermostat Bad [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Failed to find plugin to handle accessory Thermostat Flur [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Removing orphaned accessory Thermostat Flur [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Failed to find plugin to handle accessory Thermostat Wohnzimmer [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] Removing orphaned accessory Thermostat Wohnzimmer [10/29/2020, 9:36:41 PM] [Asterix] Initializing FRITZ!Box platform accessories failed - wrong user credentials? [10/29/2020, 9:37:01 PM] [Asterix] homebridge-fritz is taking a long time to load and preventing Homebridge from starting. [10/29/2020, 9:37:21 PM] [Asterix] homebridge-fritz is taking a long time to load and preventing Homebridge from starting. …

Meine config.js sieht folgendermaßen aus:

  "bridge": {
    "name": "Homebridge",
    "username": "0E:B9:...",
    "port": 52055,
    "pin": "031-..."
  "accessories": [],
  "platforms": [
            "platform": "FRITZ!Box",
            "name": "Asterix",
            "username": "meinUName",
            "password": "daswolltihrgernewissen :)",
            "url": "",
            "interval": 30,
            "concurrent": false,
            "devices": {
                "wifi": {
                    "name": "Asterix",
                    "display": false
                "outlet-1": {
                    "TemperatureSensor": false
                "repeater-1": {
                    "TemperatureSensor": false
                "thermostat-2": {
                    "ContactSensor": true
                "hidden-3": {
                    "display": false
            "options": {
                "strictSSL": true

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Schönen Gruß,