andig / homebridge-fritz

Homebridge platform for Fritz!Box router and supported DECT devices
MIT License
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Change of default username can lead to issues and homebridge not responding #161

Open m-rossi opened 3 years ago

m-rossi commented 3 years ago

I just discovered that a recent update to FRITZ!OS (07.25) seems to have changed the default username from admin to something like fritz1234. This lead to an not-responding homebridge in my case and this log entry:

[27/02/2021, 10:42:27] [My FritzBox] homebridge-fritz is taking a long time to load and preventing Homebridge from starting.

After changing the username to fritz1234 inside the config.json it works again for me.

You can look up the username at System -> FRITZ!Box-Benutzer

BionicThomas commented 3 years ago

Thanks Marco!

appliko commented 3 years ago

From 7.25 it is not possible to access with password only from apps. During firmware update, if there is not an appropriate username, the fritz will generate one, using default password, with the format Fritz1234 So, reccomendation is to create a specific user to be used with homebridge plugin, with the appropriate permissions