andig / homebridge-fritz

Homebridge platform for Fritz!Box router and supported DECT devices
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Comet DECT mostly only updates on active screen #172

Closed mj-jackson closed 1 year ago

mj-jackson commented 1 year ago


as the title says, my Comet DECT Thermostat seems to only adapt to the new temperature if I press a button (or turn the wheel) on the device to activate it. The display shows the old temperature for a second, then switches to the new. I waited over 10 Minutes, nothing happend. Only when I interact with the device will it update. The docs mentioned API calls are ignored if the device is key-locked. This is not the case. The setting is deactivated in FritzBox.

I once have observed that when turning the thermostat off I did not need to interact with the device.

Is there something I can do? FritzBox 7490 - OS v7.29 Homebridge - v1.5.0 homebridge-fritz v0.9.0

mj-jackson commented 1 year ago

My installation on windows was a bit awkward. New install on the final system (pi 4) seems to work ok.