andig / homebridge-fritz

Homebridge platform for Fritz!Box router and supported DECT devices
MIT License
74 stars 22 forks source link

Problem Steuerung in HomeKit #86

Closed oberstobacht closed 4 years ago

oberstobacht commented 4 years ago


Nach ändern der Temperatur in HomeKit bei einem Fritzplugin Gerät, tritt folgender Fehler auf. Die Geräte in Homkit wechseln den Status zu „keine Antwort“ und zeigen nach dem Neustart der Home App auf dem iPhone wieder den alten Wert an. Bei 1 von 20 Versuchen funktioniert es. Aber wenigstens stürzt die Homebridge jetzt nicht mehr ab. Ich habe keine Idee woran es noch liegen kann. Ich bin schon am überlegen, ob ich zum FritzBox Platform Plugin wechsle. Mit diesem scheint es ja nicht richtig zu funktionieren.....

Grüße Oberst

andig commented 4 years ago


oberstobacht commented 4 years ago
  1. ios13 und Plugin 0.8
  2. 5x Comet DECT und einmal Fritz DECT 210
  3. Ja ist auf true
  4. wie installiere ich die Version aus git?
oberstobacht commented 4 years ago

Hallo Andig,

habe es hinbekommen und die Version aus git installiert. Läuft so halbwegs, bringt jedoch Fehler in der Homebridge. Siehe log. [2019-10-13 18:53:32] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 target temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:32] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:32] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 target heating state [2019-10-13 18:53:32] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 current heating state [2019-10-13 18:53:32] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 battery status [2019-10-13 18:53:32] [Nuki] Getting current state for 'SwitchUnlatchAllowed'... [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [YSP-1600] HTTP GetStatus result:Off [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - obstruction detected: 0 errors [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - obstruction detected: 0 errors [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - current target: 100 [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - current position: 100 [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - current position: 100 [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - current position: 100 [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - current target: 100 [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - obstruction detected: 0 errors [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - current position: 100 [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - current target: 100 [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - obstruction detected: 0 errors [2019-10-13 18:53:33] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - current target: 100 [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < getTemperature failed [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < getTemperature failed [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < setTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < getBatteryCharge failed [2019-10-13 18:53:43] [Fritz] < getBatteryCharge failed Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTemperature failed

Unhandled rejection getTemperature failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTemperature failed

Unhandled rejection getTemperature failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection setTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection setTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getBatteryCharge failed

Unhandled rejection getBatteryCharge failed

Unhandled rejection getBatteryCharge failed

Unhandled rejection getBatteryCharge failed

[2019-10-13 18:53:48] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:53:48] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:53:48] [Fritz] < getTemperature failed [2019-10-13 18:53:48] [Fritz] < getTemperature failed [2019-10-13 18:53:48] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:53:48] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTemperature failed

Unhandled rejection getTemperature failed

Unhandled rejection getTemperature failed

Unhandled rejection getTemperature failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

[2019-10-13 18:53:52] [Fritz] Updating guest WLAN [2019-10-13 18:53:52] [Fritz] Getting guest WLAN state [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Updating outlet 116570099522 [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting outlet 116570099522 state [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting outlet 116570099522 power usage [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting outlet 116570099522 in use [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting outlet 116570099522 energy consumption [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting outlet 116570099522 temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Updating thermostat 109710536784 [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 target temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 battery level [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 battery status [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Updating thermostat 109710507504 [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507504 temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507504 target temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507504 battery level [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507504 battery status [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Updating thermostat 109710507880 [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507880 temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507880 target temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507880 battery level [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507880 battery status [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Updating thermostat 119610820280 [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 target temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 battery level [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 battery status [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Updating thermostat 119610823832 [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610823832 temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610823832 target temperature [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610823832 battery level [2019-10-13 18:53:58] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610823832 battery status [2019-10-13 18:54:19] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:54:19] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:54:19] [Fritz] < getTempTarget failed [2019-10-13 18:54:19] [Fritz] < getTemperature failed [2019-10-13 18:54:19] [Fritz] < getBatteryCharge failed Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

Unhandled rejection getTempTarget failed

andig commented 4 years ago

Super, danke für den Test. Kannst Du bitte auch Deine Config (ohne Passwort!) teilen? Ich sehe da ziemlich viele Abfragen in kurzer Zeit- Hast Du auch mal concurrent=true versucht?

oberstobacht commented 4 years ago


bitte schön...

Die config:

{ "bridge":{ "username":"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", "name":"RonnyPi", "pin":"031-45-111", "port":51826 }, "accessories":[ { "accessory":"YamahaMC", "name":"YSP-1600", "host":"", "zone":"main", "maxvol":100 } ], "platforms":[ { "platform":"NukiBridge", "name":"Nuki", "api_token":"xxxxxx", "bridge_url":"", "webhook_port":"51827", "lock_state_mode":"1", "webhook_server_ip_or_name":"", "locks":[ { "id":"11111111", "usesDoorLatch":"true", "name":"Tür", "priority":"1" } ] }, { "platform":"People", "name":"LEDSchalter", "threshold":"1", "pingInterval":"7000", "ignoreReEnterExitSeconds":"0", "anyoneSensor":"true", "nooneSensor":"false", "people":[ { "name":"LEDKIZITV", "target":"" } ] }, { "platform":"RademacherHomePilot", "name":"RademacherHomePilot", "url":"" }, { "debug":false, "password":"xxxxxxxxx", "url":"", "platform":"Fritz!Box", "username":"xxxxxxx", "name":"Fritz", "hide":"wifi", "interval":90, "concurrent":true, "options": { "strictSSL":"false" } } ] }

oberstobacht commented 4 years ago

Gibt es schon was neues?

Gruß oberst

andig commented 4 years ago

Du hast also "concurrent":true. Hast Du mit dem Setting auch das Logfile erzeugt? Ich bitte nochmal um ein neues Logfile mit DEBUG Einstellungen, siehe README wie das geht.

oberstobacht commented 4 years ago

Bitte schön....

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ npm -g outdated
Package  Current  Wanted  Latest  Location
npm       6.11.3  6.12.0  6.12.0  global
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano ~/.homebridge/config.json
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ homebridge -D
[2019-10-17 19:02:11] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 4 platforms.
[2019-10-17 19:02:11] ---
[2019-10-17 19:02:11] Loaded plugin: homebridge-fritz
[2019-10-17 19:02:12] Registering platform 'homebridge-fritz.Fritz!Box'
[2019-10-17 19:02:12] ---
[2019-10-17 19:02:13] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nukiio
[2019-10-17 19:02:13] Registering platform 'homebridge-nukiio.NukiBridge'
[2019-10-17 19:02:13] Registering accessory 'homebridge-nukiio.NukiLock'
[2019-10-17 19:02:13] Registering accessory 'homebridge-nukiio.NukiOpener'
[2019-10-17 19:02:13] Registering accessory 'homebridge-nukiio.NukiBridgeMaintainanceSwitch'
[2019-10-17 19:02:13] ---
[2019-10-17 19:02:14] Loaded plugin: homebridge-people
[2019-10-17 19:02:14] Registering platform 'homebridge-people.People'
[2019-10-17 19:02:14] Registering accessory 'homebridge-people.PeopleAccessory'
[2019-10-17 19:02:14] Registering accessory 'homebridge-people.PeopleAllAccessory'
[2019-10-17 19:02:14] ---
[2019-10-17 19:02:14] Loaded plugin: homebridge-rademacher-homepilot
[2019-10-17 19:02:14] Registering platform 'homebridge-rademacher-homepilot.RademacherHomePilot'
[2019-10-17 19:02:14] ---
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] Loaded plugin: homebridge-yamaha_mc
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] Registering accessory 'homebridge-yamaha_mc.YamahaMC'
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] ---
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] Loading 4 platforms...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [Nuki] Initializing NukiBridge platform...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [Nuki] Initializing Nuki bridge ''...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [Nuki] Started server for webhooks on port '51827'.
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [Nuki] Adding webhook for plugin to bridge...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [Nuki] Initialized Nuki bridge.
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [Nuki] Initializing platform accessory 'Tür'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [LEDSchalter] Initializing People platform...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [LEDSchalter] Initializing platform accessory 'LEDKIZITV'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [LEDSchalter] Initializing platform accessory 'Anyone'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [LEDSchalter] Initializing platform accessory 'No One'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [LEDSchalter] WebHook: Started server on port '51828'.
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [RademacherHomePilot] Initializing RademacherHomePilot platform...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [Fritz] Initializing Fritz!Box platform...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] Loading 1 accessories...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [YSP-1600] Initializing YamahaMC accessory...
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [RademacherHomePilot] Warning. No password has been configured. Consider protecting access to your HomePilot.
[2019-10-17 19:02:15] [Nuki] Send request to Nuki bridge '' on '/callback/list' with '{"token":"FI6xkq"}'.
[2019-10-17 19:02:16] [RademacherHomePilot] Unknown product: 99999998
[2019-10-17 19:02:16] [RademacherHomePilot] { description: 'Ronny Iphone',
  deviceGroup: 3,
  did: 1010003,
  automations: [ 130 ],
  readings: { area_entered: true },
  timestamp: 1571320752,
  iconSetInverted: 0,
  iconSet: { k: 'iconset38' },
  name: 'RonnyiPhone(iPhone112)',
  statusValid: true,
  deviceNumber: '99999998',
  uid: '9D873FCC-188A-45C8-B71E-1E2EB1E6DA5B',
  visible: true }
[2019-10-17 19:02:16] [Nuki] Request to Nuki bridge '' finished with status code '200' and body '{"callbacks": [{"id": 1, "url": ""}]}'. null
[2019-10-17 19:02:16] [Nuki] Webhook for plugin already exists.
[2019-10-17 19:02:16] [RademacherHomePilot] blinds are online: Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004]
[2019-10-17 19:02:16] [RademacherHomePilot] blinds are online: Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002]
[2019-10-17 19:02:16] [RademacherHomePilot] blinds are online: Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001]
[2019-10-17 19:02:16] [RademacherHomePilot] blinds are online: Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000]
[2019-10-17 19:02:17] [Fritz] Fritz!Box platform login successful
[2019-10-17 19:02:17] [Fritz] Discovering accessories
[2019-10-17 19:02:18] [Fritz] Using tr64 api for guest Wifi
[2019-10-17 19:02:18] [Fritz] > getOSVersion ("b5583ec5170ef21e")
[2019-10-17 19:02:18] [Fritz] > getDeviceList ("b5583ec5170ef21e")
[2019-10-17 19:02:22] [Fritz] < getOSVersion "07.12"
[2019-10-17 19:02:22] [Fritz] < getDeviceList [{"identifier":"109710536784","id":"16","functionbitmask":"320","fwversion":"03.68","manufacturer":"AVM","productname":"Comet DECT","present":"1","name":"Wohnzimmer Tür","battery":"60","batterylow":"0","temperature":{"celsius":"215","offset":"0"},"hkr":{"tist":"43","tsoll":"42","absenk":"30","komfort":"42","lock":"0","devicelock":"0","errorcode":"0","windowopenactiv":"0","batterylow":"0","battery":"60","nextchange":{"endperiod":"1571344200","tchange":"30"},"summeractive":"0","holidayactive":"0"}},{"identifier":"109710507504","id":"17","functionbitmask":"320","fwversion":"03.68","manufacturer":"AVM","productname":"Comet DECT","present":"1","name":"Wohnzimmer Fenster","battery":"40","batterylow":"0","temperature":{"celsius":"215","offset":"0"},"hkr":{"tist":"43","tsoll":"42","absenk":"30","komfort":"42","lock":"0","devicelock":"0","errorcode":"0","windowopenactiv":"0","batterylow":"0","battery":"40","nextchange":{"endperiod":"1571344200","tchange":"30"},"summeractive":"0","holidayactive":"0"}},{"identifier":"109710507880","id":"18","functionbitmask":"320","fwversion":"03.68","manufacturer":"AVM","productname":"Comet DECT","present":"1","name":"Heizung Kinderzimmer","battery":"60","batterylow":"0","temperature":{"celsius":"190","offset":"-10"},"hkr":{"tist":"38","tsoll":"253","absenk":"253","komfort":"40","lock":"0","devicelock":"0","errorcode":"0","windowopenactiv":"0","batterylow":"0","battery":"60","nextchange":{"endperiod":"1571404500","tchange":"40"},"summeractive":"0","holidayactive":"0"}},{"identifier":"119610820280","id":"21","functionbitmask":"320","fwversion":"03.68","manufacturer":"AVM","productname":"Comet DECT","present":"1","name":"Heizung Schlafzimmer","battery":"60","batterylow":"0","temperature":{"celsius":"195","offset":"0"},"hkr":{"tist":"39","tsoll":"253","absenk":"253","komfort":"40","lock":"0","devicelock":"0","errorcode":"0","windowopenactiv":"0","batterylow":"0","battery":"60","nextchange":{"endperiod":"1571410800","tchange":"40"},"summeractive":"0","holidayactive":"0"}},{"identifier":"119610823832","id":"22","functionbitmask":"320","fwversion":"03.68","manufacturer":"AVM","productname":"Comet DECT","present":"1","name":"Heizung Bad","battery":"50","batterylow":"0","temperature":{"celsius":"205","offset":"0"},"hkr":{"tist":"41","tsoll":"20","absenk":"20","komfort":"40","lock":"0","devicelock":"0","errorcode":"0","windowopenactiv":"0","batterylow":"0","battery":"50","nextchange":{"endperiod":"1571365800","tchange":"40"},"summeractive":"0","holidayactive":"0"}},{"identifier":"116570099522","id":"19","functionbitmask":"2944","fwversion":"04.17","manufacturer":"AVM","productname":"FRITZ!DECT 210","present":"1","name":"Dose Balkon","switch":{"state":"1","mode":"manuell","lock":"0","devicelock":"0"},"powermeter":{"voltage":"234829","power":"2730","energy":"34047"},"temperature":{"celsius":"215","offset":"5"}}]
[2019-10-17 19:02:22] [Fritz] Alarm sensors found: none
[2019-10-17 19:02:22] [Fritz] > getSwitchList ("b5583ec5170ef21e")
[2019-10-17 19:02:22] [Fritz] > getThermostatList ("b5583ec5170ef21e")
[2019-10-17 19:02:23] [Fritz] < getSwitchList ["116570099522"]
[2019-10-17 19:02:23] [Fritz] Outlets found: 116570099522
[2019-10-17 19:02:24] [Fritz] < getThermostatList ["109710536784","109710507504","109710507880","119610820280","119610823832"]
[2019-10-17 19:02:24] [Fritz] Thermostats found: 109710536784,109710507504,109710507880,119610820280,119610823832
[2019-10-17 19:02:24] [Fritz] Sensors found: none
[2019-10-17 19:02:24] [Fritz] Initializing platform accessory 'Guest WLAN'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:24] [Fritz] Initializing platform accessory 'Dose Balkon'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:24] [Fritz] Initializing platform accessory 'Wohnzimmer Tür'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:24] [Fritz] Initializing platform accessory 'Wohnzimmer Fenster'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:24] [Fritz] Initializing platform accessory 'Heizung Kinderzimmer'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:24] [Fritz] Initializing platform accessory 'Heizung Schlafzimmer'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:24] [Fritz] Initializing platform accessory 'Heizung Bad'...
Setup Payload:
Scan this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:
Or enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

    │ 031-45-111 │     

[2019-10-17 19:02:24] Homebridge is running on port 51826.
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507880 battery status
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 target temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 target heating state
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 current heating state
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 battery status
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507504 battery status
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - Current target position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - getting current position
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - getting obstruction detected
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - getting obstruction detected
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - Current target position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - getting current position
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 current heating state
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 target temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 target heating state
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 battery status
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Nuki] Cached lock state is isLocked = 'false'.
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Nuki] Cached lock state is isLocked = 'false'.
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - getting current position
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - Current target position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - getting obstruction detected
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting outlet 116570099522 state
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [Fritz] Getting guest WLAN state
[2019-10-17 19:02:38] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - Current target position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - getting current position
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - getting obstruction detected
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610823832 battery status
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getBatteryCharge ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507880")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610820280")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610820280")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTemperature ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610820280")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610820280")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getBatteryCharge ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610820280")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getBatteryCharge ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507504")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710536784")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTemperature ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710536784")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710536784")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710536784")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getBatteryCharge ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710536784")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getSwitchState ("b5583ec5170ef21e","116570099522")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getBatteryCharge ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610823832")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [YSP-1600] HTTP GetStatus result:Off
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] < tr64.GetInfo {"NewEnable":"0","NewStatus":"Disabled","NewMaxBitRate":"Auto","NewChannel":"11","NewSSID":"ScheidisGastzugang","NewBeaconType":"11i","NewMACAddressControlEnabled":"1","NewStandard":"n","NewBSSID":"CA:0E:14:AA:FD:CA","NewBasicEncryptionModes":"None","NewBasicAuthenticationMode":"None","NewMaxCharsSSID":"32","NewMinCharsSSID":"1","NewAllowedCharsSSID":"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~","NewMinCharsPSK":"64","NewMaxCharsPSK":"64","NewAllowedCharsPSK":"0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"}
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - current target: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - current position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - obstruction detected: 0 errors
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - current target: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - obstruction detected: 0 errors
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - current position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - obstruction detected: 0 errors
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - obstruction detected: 0 errors
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - current target: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - current position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - current target: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - current position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting outlet 116570099522 temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507880 target temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507880 temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507880 current heating state
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507880 target heating state
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Nuki] Getting current state for 'SwitchUnlatchAllowed'...
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507504 target heating state
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507504 temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507504 target temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507504 current heating state
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610823832 current heating state
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610823832 target heating state
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610823832 temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610823832 target temperature
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTemperature ("b5583ec5170ef21e","116570099522")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507880")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTemperature ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507880")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507880")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507880")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507504")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTemperature ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507504")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507504")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507504")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610823832")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610823832")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTemperature ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610823832")
[2019-10-17 19:02:39] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610823832")
[2019-10-17 19:02:40] [Fritz] < getTempTarget "off"
[2019-10-17 19:02:40] [Fritz] < getTempTarget "off"
[2019-10-17 19:02:41] [Fritz] < getTemperature 19.5
[2019-10-17 19:02:41] [Fritz] < getTempTarget "off"
[2019-10-17 19:02:43] [Fritz] < getTempTarget 21
[2019-10-17 19:02:44] [Fritz] < getTemperature 21.5
[2019-10-17 19:02:44] [Fritz] < getTempTarget 21
[2019-10-17 19:02:45] [Fritz] < getTempTarget 21
[2019-10-17 19:02:46] [Fritz] < getSwitchState true
[2019-10-17 19:02:47] [Fritz] < getTemperature 21.5
[2019-10-17 19:02:48] [Fritz] < getTempTarget "off"
[2019-10-17 19:02:48] [Fritz] < getTemperature 19
[2019-10-17 19:02:49] [Fritz] < getTempTarget "off"
[2019-10-17 19:02:49] [Fritz] < getTempTarget "off"
[2019-10-17 19:02:50] [Fritz] < getTempTarget 21
[2019-10-17 19:02:50] [Fritz] < getTemperature 21.5
[2019-10-17 19:02:51] [Fritz] < getTempTarget 21
[2019-10-17 19:02:52] [Fritz] < getTempTarget 21
[2019-10-17 19:02:52] [Fritz] < getTempTarget 10
[2019-10-17 19:02:53] [Fritz] < getTempTarget 10
[2019-10-17 19:02:53] [Fritz] < getTemperature 20.5
[2019-10-17 19:02:54] [Fritz] < getTempTarget 10
[2019-10-17 19:02:55] [Fritz] < getBatteryCharge 60
[2019-10-17 19:02:56] [Fritz] < getBatteryCharge 60
[2019-10-17 19:02:57] [Fritz] < getBatteryCharge 40
[2019-10-17 19:02:58] [Fritz] < getBatteryCharge 60
[2019-10-17 19:02:59] [Fritz] < getBatteryCharge 50
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507880 battery status
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 target temperature
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 temperature
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 target heating state
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 current heating state
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610820280 battery status
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710507504 battery status
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - Current target position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - getting current position
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - getting obstruction detected
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - getting obstruction detected
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - Current target position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - getting current position
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 current heating state
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 temperature
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 target temperature
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 target heating state
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 109710536784 battery status
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Nuki] Cached lock state is isLocked = 'false'.
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Nuki] Cached lock state is isLocked = 'false'.
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - getting current position
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - Current target position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - getting obstruction detected
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting outlet 116570099522 state
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting guest WLAN state
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - Current target position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - getting current position
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - getting obstruction detected
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] Getting thermostat 119610823832 battery status
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getBatteryCharge ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507880")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610820280")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getTemperature ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610820280")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610820280")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610820280")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getBatteryCharge ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610820280")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getBatteryCharge ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710507504")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710536784")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getTemperature ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710536784")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710536784")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getTempTarget ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710536784")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getBatteryCharge ("b5583ec5170ef21e","109710536784")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getSwitchState ("b5583ec5170ef21e","116570099522")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] > getBatteryCharge ("b5583ec5170ef21e","119610823832")
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [YSP-1600] HTTP GetStatus result:Off
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [Fritz] < tr64.GetInfo {"NewEnable":"0","NewStatus":"Disabled","NewMaxBitRate":"Auto","NewChannel":"11","NewSSID":"ScheidisGastzugang","NewBeaconType":"11i","NewMACAddressControlEnabled":"1","NewStandard":"n","NewBSSID":"CA:0E:14:AA:FD:CA","NewBasicEncryptionModes":"None","NewBasicAuthenticationMode":"None","NewMaxCharsSSID":"32","NewMinCharsSSID":"1","NewAllowedCharsSSID":"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~","NewMinCharsPSK":"64","NewMaxCharsPSK":"64","NewAllowedCharsPSK":"0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"}
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - current position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - current position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - current position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - current target: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:07] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - obstruction detected: 0 errors
[2019-10-17 19:03:08] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo unten (Alexa) [1010000] - current target: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:08] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - current target: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:08] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - obstruction detected: 0 errors
[2019-10-17 19:03:08] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Kinderzimmer(Alexa) [1010004] - current position: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:08] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - obstruction detected: 0 errors
[2019-10-17 19:03:08] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Fenster (Alexa) [1010001] - obstruction detected: 0 errors
[2019-10-17 19:03:08] [RademacherHomePilot] Rollo Tür (Alexa) [1010002] - current target: 100
[2019-10-17 19:03:08] [Fritz] < getTempTarget "off"
[2019-10-17 19:03:09] [Fritz] < getTemperature 19.5
jngmrks commented 4 years ago

Interessant wäre genau der Teil wenn du die Temperatur änderst. Also ab Änderung in der App bis so 10-20 Sekunden danach. Damit man sieht was da passiert

andig commented 4 years ago

Ich sehe in dem Log insbesondere keinerlei Problem- könnte aber auch daran liegen, dass Du Dir keine Mühe machst das vernüftig zu formatieren. Für Suchspiele fehlt mir leider die Zeit.

Es würde auch super helfen, wenn Du mal die Fragen beantworten könntest:

Du hast also "concurrent":true. Hast Du mit dem Setting auch das Logfile erzeugt?

oberstobacht commented 4 years ago

Sorry aber ich kenne mich nicht so gut aus.....! Ja das logfile ist mit dem Setting erstellt. Es steht auf True. Was die Formatierung angeht kann ich gern versuchen es umzusetzen, wenn du mir sagst was du wie haben möchtest. Ich habe keinen Plan was du anders haben möchtest. Ich habe es einfach aus Homebridge rauskopiert.


andig commented 4 years ago

Sorry aber ich kenne mich nicht so gut aus

Details zur Formatierung findest Du hier: Für endlos lange logs ist wohl ein Service wie pastebn die bessere Alternative. Ich hab Dein Posting oben schon angepasst.

andig commented 4 years ago

Ich sehe in dem Log insbesondere keinerlei Problem

Auch nach Formatierung sehe ich da weiter kein Problem- siehst Du eins?

oberstobacht commented 4 years ago

Ok, bis jetzt läuft es auch soweit und es sind keine weiteren Probleme aufgetreten. Ich danke dir trotzdem für deine Bemühungen. Dann belassen wir es erst einmal so.


andig commented 4 years ago

Fehler also weg? Nach Update oder zufällig?