andig / videodb

The videoDB media collection software
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PHP Warning: count() #180

Closed copperhead57 closed 1 year ago

copperhead57 commented 1 year ago

Clean up Warning messages PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in ......\videodb\core\functions.php on line 456.

As of php 7.3 the above is being signaled as a warning. add code to use is_countable function to check variable. For pre php 7.3 users added code to emulate the is_countable function (can be removed once videodb is moved to minimum php version 7.3

Note: as of php 8 the warning will become an error level.

johanneskonst commented 1 year ago

Now you have double brackets ;-) But fine, leave it for now...